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17821 shrub 3ft. fl. yellowish in Garong Kong 10000 ft.

17822 plant 2 - 3 ft. fl. white in deep shade along stream in Garong Kong 9900 ft.

17823 Morina sp?  grassy slopes in pine forest above Basou near Yatsa elev 11200 ft.

17824 Clematis, fl. white-cream erect shrub 3 - 4 ft. in Garong Kong dry slopes 10000 ft.

17825 Leontopodium sp? dry pine forests same loc as 17823

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Collected in Muli territory on Yankongran between [[Deon ?]] Gamba and Dzampe, July 1929

17826 Corydalis, flowers yellow valley of Yankong 14500 ft.

17827 orchid on grassy gravelly slopes near pass Yankongran 14900 ft fl. purple.

17828 herb flowers purplish among bowlders at 15000 ft.

17829 Meconopsis sp.? [[insertion]] Henrici Bur. & Fr. [[/insertion]] flowers large purplish blue, at summit of pass photogr. (colorplate no    )  this species 15200 ft.

17830 Leontopod. summit of Yongkongran 15200 ft.