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Collected in the mountain of Kulu, Muli territory S. W. Szechuan. June-July 1929.

17951 Salix sp? prostrate shrub, along stream in gravelly bed 13500 ft. 

17952 Salix sp? shrub 2-3 ft. alpine slopes mountains of Kulu 13000-14000 ft. [[male symbol]] 

17953 " " " " " " [[female symbol]]

17954 Ribes sp? shrub 4-5 ft. alpine region 13500 ft. 

17955 Primula sp? flowers yellow, roots red, alpine meadows 14300 ft. 

17956 herb fl. bluish white in wet gravel elev. 15500 ft. 

17957 Berberis sp? shrub 3-4 ft. fl. yellow. Kulu 13500 ft. 

17958 Rhodod. sp? shrub 2 ft. flowers deep purplish blue, elev 14500 ft. 

17959 Primula sp? Beesiana? swampy meadow 10000 ft.-12000 ft. 

17960 Salix shrub 5-6 ft. along streams 11000 ft. Kulu. 
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