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Collected in the mountains of Ludu west of the Yangtze in north west Yumman august 1929.

18501 Acer sp? tree 30 - 40 ft. fruits small; [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] in forests at 12000 ft.

18502 Taxus. Camfer tree 40 ft. fruits red forests of Ludu elev 12000 ft. [[underlined]] seeds [[/underlined]].

18503 Begonia sp? fl. pink on cliffs in shade 9000 ft.

18504 Lilium sp? flowers yellow in pine forests 10000 ft.

18505 Composite fl. yellow, " " "

18506 anemone japoniea, " " "

18507 Laxifrage, fl. yellow " " " on rocks

18508 Ligum (climber) vine fl. blue " " " 

18509 shrub 7 - 10 ft. forests of Ludu 9000 ft.

18510 [[strikethrough]] tree on banks along [[/strikethrough]] Primula sp? fl. dark blue, meadows, 13000 ft. Ludu

Transcription Notes:
changed 18506 "accessone" to "anemone" -bkw Lüdü transcribed as Ludu, should be checked for consistency at the end throughout the project. Same for Yümman transcribed as Yumman.