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[[underline]] 6. Journal. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] March 19. [[underline]] Woke up at Hanna, west of Laramie.  Clear & cold.  Snow much blown but apparently 8 or 10 inches deep.  covers the sage brush in places, all blown off from smooth ground, drifted over fences & rocks.
Otoeoris abundant & happy.
Cottontail tracks numerous
[[underline]] Rawlins [[/underline]] - 7:30
While at breakfast some herds of sheep were passed & many dead sheep seen along fences.  Some had been partly eaten.  
Saw lots of coyote tracks & two coyotes standing 20 rods from R.R.  They looked big & fluffy & well fed.  One trotted over & began eating a dead sheep.
Cotton tails seem happy, sitting on sunny slope in the snow nibbling bushes.  They are fluffed up in furry balls.  Saw one [[underline]] Lepus Campestris [[/underline]] sitting by a sagebush - looked like a snowball.  Saw another running & a good many tracks.
Prairie dog mounds are all filled with snow.