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[[underline]] 12. Journal [[/underline]] [[underline]] Lepus campestris. [[/underline]] Very common & often seen sitting in the snow close by as we passed. Tracks numerous. Most of those seen are gray. One shot pure white. Usually sitting in deep depression so back level with top of snow. They also have burrows deep into snow under the sagebrush. [[underline]] Canis griseus [[/underline]] - pack of apparently 3 or 4 big wolves seen on the ridge a few miles north of Opal - no more seen. Said to be fairly common. [[underline]] Canis latrans nebraremsis [[/underline]] Numerous all the way but most so near the ranches. About 12 seen and numerous tracks. One bunch of 4 seen together. In another place two seen together, one ^[seen] carrying something the size of a jack rabbit & its mate trotting along at a respectful distance on our side. [[underline]] Taxidea taxus [[/underline]] One mound of earth. This [[strikethrough]]?[[/stikethrough]] out before the snow - no fresh tracks - said to kill some lambs & many lambs fall in their burrows & die.