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Supervisor, who wants the forest service to pay a bounty on wolves on the reserves.

Geo. Glover know where young wolves were caught last year in Soda Lake basin so I persuaded him to go there with me tomorrow & secured a team to take us to his ranch tonight, a mile N.E. of Cora.

Got to the ranch a little before dark & planned for an early start in the morning.

[[underline]] April 9 [[/underline]] Had breakfast at 4 and started before daylight with skies & snowshoes on a hard crust that held us perfectly.  Struck a fresh wolf track about a mile from the ranch heading for Soda Lake basin.  [[strikethrough]] and cam [[/strikethrough]]  The wolf was carrying something that dragged on the snow and making a bee line.  We followed the track past Soda Lake into a rough basin of glacial dump near the N.E corner of Fremont Lake & found the den of 8 pups under a huge boulder half way up a steep, warm south slope ^[in Bastard Basin] where the