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[[underlined]] 51 [[/underlined]]

Bought 2 wolf & a panther skin of Frank Alexander & started from his place to Cora - 7 miles - on foot with about 40 lbs on my back besides gun & skies.

The snow was so soft I could scarcely use the skies & followed an old sleigh track on foot most of the way down to the Clarks ranch.  There got a boy to take me the remaining 5 miles to Cora on horseback with my packs.  Reached Cora at 8 P.M. tired & chilly & went to bed at the little ranch hotel.

A hard days work, but I learned much of wolves & wolf hunting, got some good specimens saw a lot of interesting county, met several well informed people and consider the day well spent.

[[underlined]] April 12 [[/underlined]] - took stage at 7 A.M for Big Piney & arrived there at 4 p.m.  Roads bad, Green river high, a cold wind blew all day, got chilly. used wagon for last 8 miles.  Found lots of mail at Big Piney.