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[[underscore]] 79. Journal [[/underscore]]
May 3. Wrote reports till midnight last night and again from 5:30 to 9 this morning & mailed bid & warrant reports, packed up & took stage for Rawlins at 10.  Roads bad and we lost time all day, reaching Hailey for supper.  Then over Beaver hill with a 4 horse team and down to Myersville at midnight.  Had Bob Hayes for driver from Hailey to Myersville.  "Deaf Bob"-- one of the best drivers on the line.  Clear & mild with a good moon.  
[[underscore]] May 4 [[/underscore]] Left Myersville left soon after midnight with 4 horse stage & young Lester for a driver.  Made good time & reached Burnt Ranch at sunrise.  From here on had only 2 poor horses & lost time, reaching Last Soldier at 9:30 for breakfast.  There got a better team & a good driver -- Teddy Jones & made good time into Rawlins at 5:15.  Little game or animal life seen.
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