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[[underlined]] Birds [[/underlined]] - [[underlined]] Parus a. septentrionalis [[/underlined]], saw two in the willows near Lander, Pica p. hudsonia,  common along all the streams.  [[underlined]] Agelaius phoeniceus [[/underlined]], common at Lander + Ft. Washakie.  Near the port a thick bunch of Bull berry bushes was alive and squawking with [[underlined]] redwings [[/underlined]], [[underlined]] yellowheads [[/underlined]], [[undderlined]] brewers [[/underlined]], [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] cowbirds [[/underlined]].  [[underlined]] Sturnella m. neglecta [[/underlined]], meadowlarks are abundant on the bottom lands and often seen or heard out in the sagebrush.  [[underlined]] [[Pooceets q. conpius?]] [[/underlined]] a few grassfinches seen all along.  [[underlined]] Junco [[/underlined]] common in brushy places.  [[underlined]] Corvus amerieanus [[/underlined]], a few crows were seen at Ft. Washakie and others along Wind River.  [[underlined]] Falco sparverius [[/underlined]], common all along.  [[underlined]] Ceryle alcyon [[/underlined]], are seen by the creek at Ft. Washakie, ^[the first seen.]  [[underlined]] Anthus ludovieianus [[/underlined]], two were seen at Ft. Washakie, the first I have seen this year.  [[underlined]] Colaptes c. collaris [[/underlined]], a few seen along Wind River.  [[underlined]] Merula m. propinqua [[/underlined]], common along Wind River.  [[underlined]] Myadestes townsendi [[/underlined]], one seen at Wind River - the first of the season.