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63) part of her body much as a Syrphid larva does groping for Aphides. Today secured the mass, containing cocoons as usual.

July 26. [[female symbol]] Sphingicampa distigma came out today which had the whole spot next the Costa invisible & the other very small & scarcely noticeable.


I was mistaken in thinking that in Cordulina the ant. [[image - triangle]] is always full as robust as post. [[image of triangle]], & always slenderer in Lebillulina. In Macromia flavipennis [[underline]] ant [[/underline]] [[image - triangle]] is slender, & in Celithemis eponina [[image - triangle]]'s are nearly alike.


From Baird's N.A. Ornithology
Order - Grallatoris
Suborder Grallae
Tribe Limicolae
family (always) - idae
subfamily - -inae
section - -eae
then genus & species


[[underline]] Amphepneustic [[/underline]] means a dipterous larva with two pairs of speracles, one anterior the other posterior.  When the number of speracles is normal, that is one pair on the thorax & one on [[underline]] all [[/underline]]  (?last [[insertion]] ¶ p. 64 [[/insertion]]) abdominal segments, then the larva is called [[underline]] peripneustic![[/underline]] Finally, when there is only one pair

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

(as in Ctenophora) at the end of the body, the larva is [[underline]] metapneustic. [[/underline]] The terms have been invented, I think, by Haliday. MS. Osten Sachen May 13, '63
N. B .Fig. of Tabanus (Westw. II. p. 538) is represented with spiracles on all abd. segments [[underline]] but anal [[/underline]] [[image - hand pointing to left]]

Larva of Bibio albipennis is amphipneustic, & has the supernumerary false segment between head & true 1st segm. found "in all Cecidomyiadae" Loew p. 181 O.S. ubi vide [[image - three bold vertical lines]] segment 2 easily mistaken for 2 segments.
[[image - detailed drawing of larva with labels]]  
[[image - close up drawings of details of larva]]
[[labels]] (bend head & segm .1 down more ^[[insertion]] also 12 [[/insertion]]) 
12 (above) [[/labels]]
[¶ see p.63] Loew p. 181 "Number & position of the stigmata are normal, viz. one pair on the 1st thoracic segment, & 8 pairs on the 1st 8 abd. segments, so that the 9th or last segment bears none."

Westwood says "larvae of Bibio have 20 spiracles" B. albip. has a distinct labrum & mandibles & maxillae ^[[insertion]] & labium [[/insertion]] - an eruciform mouth. Segments 1 & 2 have [[underline]] each [[/underline]] a double row of thorns; [[strikethrough]] ter [[/strikethrough]] 3-11 single row (terminal) 12 none. [[insertion]] see p.67 [[/insertion]] [[line]]

Aug. 20. on R.R. bottom saw Anax junius [[male symbol]] light on a tall weed,  When a swallow rushed on to it & carried it off under my very nose. Hence, birds [[underline]] pro tanto [[/underline]] injurious.

Aug. 21. Noticed a lot of bald-face hornets swarming like a swarm of bees round the trunk of an oak, from a part of which ([bored with holes by some borer or tapped by sap-sucker?]) they had apparently stripped the bark. ^[[insertion]] [No.] [[/insertion]] They did not enter the holes. No nest on the tree [a week or two afterwards saw them there, as well as ^[[insertion]] many [[/insertion]] vespa -  & [[strikethrough]]  poss [[/strikethrough]]  sphea caeruleus. Tree badly bored by sapsucker & probably exudes sweet sap.]

Transcription Notes:
No need to put [[start page]], [[end page]] at the very start and end of pages unless you are moving from one page to the next in one image.