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Aug. 25 Examined 5 [[male symbol]], 8 [[female symbol]] of acanthus niveus & [[underline]] all [[/underline]] had hind tarsi 3-jointed; 1st long, spined at tip; 2 short, 3 moderate. Breadth [[male symbol]] elytrum varied from [[strikethrough]] 14 [[/strikethrough]] .15 - .30 inch, specimens nearly same size. But see aphid. Fitch II. ยง 131 p. 94 my note on tarsus.

[[underline]] Psocus venosus [[/underline]] Burm. Miss Almeria L. Bliss
Aug. 19. 1863 saw a "squad" of these insects covering four square inches perhaps, marching up & down the trunk of an apple-tree with the regularity of well-drilled soldiers. (specimens sent me.)  
They were so close together, that looking across them their feelers [antennae] resembled a thin growth of hair.  Below them, on the bark of the tree, were hung many of their shed skins. 
What, from her description, must have been [[underline]] Aphis avenae [[/underline]]
occurred on almost ^[[insertion]] every [[/insertion]] field of wheat in her vicinity, sticking close between the kernels, but were not noticed by her after the grain ripened.   It was not supposed that they had injured the wheat by the farmers.

Sep 5. '63  Took 80 heterocerus ^[[insertion]] [[circled]] mollinus [[underlined]] ([[male symbol]] ?) & [[female symbol]] see [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] 20 [[male symbol]] 60 [[female symbol]] [[/insertion]] Westw. I. 114 [[/circled]] [[/insertion]]  [[strikethrough]] (3 sp) [[/strikethrough]] 3 omophron ^[[insertion]] americanum [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] n sp 1 - Glaphms cicatricosus? [[insertion]] viscarius [[/insertion]] &c [[/strikethrough]] on brinks Roth R. by "sluicing."

Sep. 6 opened 2 oak apples (c. q. spongifica gathered in Spring) & found a black pupa, apparently [[underline]] aciculata, [[/underline]] in each.

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Sept 7 Found a Tabanus larva with his fore-part in the mouth of a planorbis shell - mollusk on cracking it apparently all night. Of 9 mollusks cracked two, replaced 7 - cracked ones had meat in them.

Sep. 13 of the 7 [[strikethrough]] two [[strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]] three [[/insertion]] were mere empty shells, (a fetid odor having been observable in the jar since [[underline]] before [[/underline]] Sep. 7) The other 4 were alive (certain): replaced 4 in jar. - Larva was most vigorous at night. When water had got very stale floated at surface; when changed, went below the surface.

Sep. 15 Watched tab. larva work his way into a planorbis. After he had withdrawn found he had eaten the contents of all but the tail end. His pseudopods great help working his way in.

Sep. 16 Into another planorbis (morning). At noon emptied the jar; one of the four was partly devoured, leaving as with the others the tail end which apparently he cd. not reach & the foot; one (the one he worked at this morning) was ditto: one was still alive - all that remained of the original number.

Sep.17 Recd. from Wm. Cutter (Beverly, Ill) Silvanus surinamensis: preys on wheat 1 year old (& very plenty) that is considerably damaged.  Larvae also plenty. [Found plenty in dried peaches]

17th. Dug Cynips q. aciculatus ^[[insertion]] (imago) [[/insertion]] out of an oak apple: next day dug out 6.