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Oct 27 Cynips (q. aciculata O.S.) several came out from nippled galls, & from galls covered with nipples all over. In all 11 or 12, came out. 
Female of Cordulegaster bidentatus seen by Selys to oviposit "on herbage, on land a little marshy but almost deprived of water" in June & July "which proves that the larva can live almost without water". But probably in other months these places were full of water (Mon. Gomph. p. 342 note)
In Aeschua quadriguttata the basal area has crossveins [[?]] [[image]] all my other Aeschna & Anax. 
[Noticed in Synopsis in N.A.News.]
The queen-bee, as Lt. Fargeau well observes, (I. p. 253) being unable to gather pollen, there cannot have been primordially only [[symbol for female]] & [[symbol for 2 ?]] afterwards. [[symbol for "therefore"]] Dimorphism primordial
What can [[underlined]] be the use of the oreillettes ^or anal [[symbol for male]] wing-angle ^ in Gomphina & Aeschnuia? = tuft on breast [[symbol for male]] Turkey.
Larva {=Ephestia zeae, Fitch (BDW & Clemens)} infesting dried peaches - lepidopterous - 16-footed - legs normal - length .40 inch, breadth .07 inch. Head rufous, [[image]] - 1st segment [[image]] rufous-horny ^above^ interrupted in the middle - rest all yellowish white, with long sparse hairs - ^legs & prolegs yellowish white^ spins a thread & hangs by it - Dec 17'63
Also [[srike 2 symbol for female]]^many [symbol for male]]^ specimens of a small parasitic Braconide
Lepidop spins a thin white silken cocoon
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Larva of Silvanus surinamensis found abundantly with the imago in dried peaches has antennae (filiform) as long as the body is wide.
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The ruff necked oriole of Latham has the same habits as the N.A. cow bird & the European cuckoo. Edwards p.37
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Honey in abundance is "the production of a small wasp called Matajeh [[underlined]], which builds its nests on the branches of the trees in the shape of a large ball. The sting of the insect is so distressing that persons affected by it become feverish & benumbed. Therefore, in order to possess ourselves of its delicious honeycombs, we took the precaution to smoke out the wasps 1st. Paez, Wild scenes in 5. & p.345

In the Bay of Maracaibo garden "vegetables are raised on [[underline]]barbacoas [[/underline]], several feet from the ground, for the purpose of protecting the tender shoots from the depredations of red ants. Were this precaution neglected, the entire crop [[would?]] disappear in a single night, the time usually chose by these pernicious insects for their maurading excursions. ibid. p. 390.
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