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In Diplax rubicundula (flavesc. wings [[symbol indicating male]]) foeces ejected [[underlined]] beneath [[/underlined]] inf. appendage & between that & the anal inferior  process.

[[strikethrough]] Oken's theory (adopted by [[Afalng?]]) that the pupa state represents crustacea [[symbol for "therefore"?]] head is conjoined with thorax = cephalothorax won't hold water because this is so only in Lepid. & Diptera (mostly?)so Latreille's theory that metathorax never bears spiracle in larva state, is founded upon an imperfect generalization viz. Lepid. larva & lamellicorus = other larvae (Hymenopt. & Elateridae) have it. [[/strikethrough]]

Jan 20 1864 Almost all my galls of Cynips q. inanis ^(15 or 16)^ when opened contained 8 or 9 chalcide larvae, & one found today on the tree contained the same.  A single one in jar contained a dead & very mouldy ([[symbol for female]]?) of C.q. inanis, as seen by the sculpture of thorax on washing off the mould. - on opening 30 or 40 galls of aciculata, found [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] with precisely similar Chalcide larvae, clinging together, like the others, so as to form a round ball.  In these 30 or 40 galls found [[underlined]] nine [[/underlined]] aciculata [[strikethrough]] either[[/strikethough]] dead [[strikethrough]] or perfectly torpid [[/strikedthrough]] but not dried,

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& two dead & dried.  Also several dead pupae, & some dead callimome pupae, ovipositor curved over back.
Also one spotted-winged chalcide, (body rufous & black,) in the imago.

The New York measurer is {Ennomos Erannis subsignaria Hubner} (Fitch Vth. Rep. p.62

Nominuni haec continua subversio scientiani occidit Latr. IV p.19.

[[[underline next]] [Quercus ovuar [[?]] [[end underline]] = Coccus] Found many such (specimen preserved) attached [[image]] to twigs of white oak ^near [[?]] mostly^. Most perforated - 20 or 30 gathered unperforated were full of milk white elongated pieces [[image]]. Shell very thin & brittle like humming-birds' egg & speckled & freckled with blood-brown on a yellowish-white ground. [[strike: Aphidous galls?]] Tree full of them West of the 204th R.R. tie after passing Dunlap's field, about 30 yds from the R.R. [[strike: top of]] Limb near top broken down [[image]] thus.

Feb 20 1864 [[Strike: Cynips]] Cecidomyia calices strobiloides - larva. Length .16 inch breadth .07 all, including head; ^deep^ pale orange ^March 29^}-color - ^legless^ - ovate [[image]] - head small - +12 segments - surrounded by a ^very^ [[thick?]] ^filmy^ white cocoon - [[strike: like film of vegetable origin (from its]] with some longitudinal veins [[image]] in the stalk-end of which it lies very closely so as to be detached with difficulty. Tip end of cocoon [[strike: open]] ^closed (at B)^ Many galls contained it which had been extensively mined by the Lepid. and were full of its [[?]][[image]] with an external hole through which it had made its exit. [[large image]] larva ought to be imbedded [[symbol for male??]] in A
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