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Feb 20 [[underline]] [viminalis] = S. ovium [[/underline]] [[image - pencil drawing of gall on twig]] [[label]] gall [[/label]] on willow twigs - 
{ [[strikethrough]] probably a Nematus [[/strikethrough]] Euura viminalis Walsh
{one contained a tenthred. 
larva - .22 long, ^[[insertion]] very [[/insertion]] pale dusky - greenish or cinereous - head darker, with a large blackish ^[[insertion]] round [[/insertion]] spot on the face & a smaller lateral one looking like eyes. Legs 6, prolegs on all but ^[[insertion]] antepenult & [[/insertion]] penult jt. but very short & tuberculiform & flat - mandibles blackish - Head [[underline]] not [[/underline]] [[image - pen drawing of larva head]].
Found an exactly identical larva burrowing in gall strobilana - legs long but porrect backwards & apparently functionally impotent. [So also in [[underline]] viminalis [[/underline]] ]


In gall [[underline]] S. strobiloides [[/underline]] between scales several orange-colored [[strikethrough]] ( [[/strikethrough]] cecidomyiade [[strikethrough]] ?) [[/strikethrough]]  larvae enclosed in semi-transparent whitish cocoon .07 inch long pointed at both ends. Placed some 12 - 14 in small vial. In one case 2 cocoons glued together. One gall contained 12-16 cocoons. [bred from these [[underline]] Cec. fulviventis [[/underline]] ]


Feb 20, '64 Larva in [[underline]] brassicoides [[/underline]] willow gall - ^[[insertion]] Breadth .06 inch [[/insertion]] length .12 inch ^[[insertion]] white March 29 [[/insertion]] yellowish ^[[insertion]] sometimes with [[/insertion]] a broad [[strikethrough]] dark stripe [[/strikethrough]] dusky ^[[insertion]] dorsal [[/insertion]] vitta on 3 or 4 of the middle jts. Legless & head same color as body.
In a thin whitish cocoon ^[[insertion]] .15 inch long [[/insertion]] but little longer than itself. In one gall the Lepid. had eaten out heart & destroyed the larva. One larva contained 15 (Chalcide?) larvae showing plainly thro its skin ^[[insertion]] These probably are the yellow minute Chalcidide bred from these galls ^[[insertion]] rhodoides [[/insertion]] May 13 [[/insertion]] [[image - pencil drawing of larvae]]
^[[insertion]] So with a Platygaster bred by Westw. "from the gall-making Cecidomyia of willows." II 170 & 167 fig 14 [[/insertion]]
Found 8 or 9, all in larva state, & [[strikethrough]] seven chalcidae [[/strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]] 11 - 12 [[Proglobrupel?]] [[/insertion]] imagos [[underline]] inside [[/underline]] the cocoons ^[[insertion]] (one in each) [[/insertion]] which were very lively when disengaged.

[[end page]]

[[start page]]

Feb 21. Found galls [[underline]] q. erinacei [[/underline]] on white oak. A number of half-confluent central cells, empty, ^[[insertion]] holes [[underline]] next [[/underline]] the stem of gall, [[/insertion]] & a number next the skin (as in spongifica) with larvae in them. Seem too prickly for [[underline]] q. pisum [[/underline]]. (Fitch) & 4 ^[[insertion]] of them [[/insertion]] grew on veins below but 3 on veins [[underline]] above [[/underline]] [[symbol]] [[underline]] q. pisum,[[/underline]] & besides q. pisum (Fitch & O.S.) has only 2 central cells "divided by a thin partition". [One gall is less prickly & seems not to be bored Feb 25]


Feb. 24 Found almost all the Solidago lepid. galls perforated & empty, some containing the lepid. pupa skin. In one, cut open, found a white larva .2 long, in another a glossy white cocoon - both preserved, with some uncut.


In two larvae of [[underline]] Trypeta solidaginis [[/underline]] (black retractile horny pair of hooks to head) noticed egg-like appearance [[image - pencil sketch of 5 circles touching each other to indicate eggs]] on hind segments, with a dividing dorsal space free from it.

In a [[underline]] veronica fasciculata [[/underline]] gall, gathered last summer (two confluent galls) one (hollow) contained a whitish larva ^[[insertion]] 1/2 inch long [[/insertion]] with a large ^[[insertion]] whitish [[/insertion]] lepidopteroid head & large brown hooks or mandible, 6 legs, no prolegs, & a large pseudopod on [[underline]] top [[/ underline]] of jts. 6-11. Probably I may have mistaken this for lepid. larvae. It has not the [[image - pen drawing of larva head]] head. Tenthrednid? Curculeonid? 


Feb 25 Found 4 quite recent (dark purple) q. tuber galls, [[underlined]] unbored [[/underlined]]; preserved them. [failed]


Larva of {[[strikethrough]] pussy willow brassica [[/strikethrough]] S. rhodoides - gall is .15 long, pale orange concealed mostly except the sutures ^[[insertion]] sometimes [[strikethrough]] [[?]][[/strikethrough]] 3 anterior jts. & a dorsal line by [[insertion]] milky [[/insertion]] whitish markings that look like large intestines convoluted [& are probably masses of [[insertion]] no [[/insertion]] eggs]  ([[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] many specimens.)

Transcription Notes:
"porrect" is correct. TC uses notation ^[[text]] to indicate handwritten text in typed page. TC has instructed insertions to be transcribed as [[insertion]] text [[/insertion]]. If ^ has been used also transcribe. [[start page]] or [[end page]] at the very start or end of pages is unnecessary. You only need to use these to indicate when you are moving from one page to next when transcribing.