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85) April 15) [[underline]] C. Strobiloides [[/underline]] pupa [[insertion]] ^ alive [[/insertion]] (week out of cocoon - still alive all [[underline]] bright [[/underline]] [[insertion]] ^ pinkish [[/insertion]] scarlet or sanguineous - thorns antennae
rounded [[image - pen drawing of rounded thorn antennae]] with a short bristle protruding from their tips. Another bristle twice as long behind [[strikethrough]] [ [[/strikethrough]] [[overwritten]] or [[/overwritten]] & above the origin of each antenna


[pupa of] C. {[[strikethrough]] cramboides [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] rhodoides [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] ^ alive [[/insertion]]. Color yellowish a little mottled with sanguineous. The rest the same

C. [[underline]] brassicoides [[/ underline]] (R.R.) dead [[insertion]] ^ abd. wounded. [[/insertion]] Palish sanguineous, thorns in an angle of 100° or 110° with the same short bristle & the other bristle

C. S. [[strikethrough]] [[sit?]] [podagra] [[/strikethrough]] batatas [[strikethrough]] (rufiventris) [[/strikethrough]]. Horns [[insertion]] ^ long, 1/4 as long as the diam. of thorax [[/insertion]] in 45° [[strikethrough]] or 50°[[/strikethrough]] terminating in a short brislle: post antennal brislle [[insertion]] ^ 1/2 as long as diam. of thorax & [[/insertion]] proportionally twice as long as in preceding [[insertion]] ^ & basally whitish, terminally black. [[/insertion]] General color (dead [[insertion]] ^ but recent [[/insertion]] ) [[strikethrough]] front [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ hind [[/insertion]] 1/2 dull luteous, [[strikethrough]] hind [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ front [[/insertion]] 1/2 blackish [this specimen came of itself out of gall]


X [[vertical line]] Evident from Westw. II. p.520 that pupal cocoon of C. destructor is [[underline]] not [[/underline]] the skin of larva [so also Harris quote of 10.3]
[[/vertical line]]

√ [[vertical line]] [[female symbol]] C. destructor Say "tail more or less acute in proportion as the oviduct is enserted" Say II. 5
[[/vertical line]]

My [[underline]] q. pilulae gall [[/underline]] is evidently, in O.S.'s opinion, cecidomyiadous & is described under an allied gall C. symmetrica Lw. Dipt. p. 201


Early in April I cut into 40 or 50 cells of C. [[underline]] seminator [[/underline]] &cd. find no larvae as described by Wm. Bassett. His were probably Chalcididous.

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In Cecid. [[underline]] strobil. [[/underline]] etc. [[insertion]] ^ (recent) [[/recent]] upper surf. of abd. blackish, with [[strikethrough]] tufts [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ long [[/insertion]] white hair on each side; lower surf. covered with dense short appressed hairs. Origin of wings [[underline]] sanguineous [[/underlined]]


[[underline]] pulviventris [[/underline]] [[male symbol]] strobil. Apr. 16" [[strikethrough]] & [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] & 3" R.R. Culvert [[insertion]] ^ (Apr. 10, 15 & 16) [[/insertion]] (1 supposed [[male symbol]] of S. podagrae [[insertion]] ^ No. 3 and [[symbol]] [[/insertion]]) All have rufo-sanguineous abdomen. From the cocoons under the scales of strobil? [= Cec. fulviventris]


Apr. 17. [[underline ]] C. S. brassicoides [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] abd. [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ venter [[/insertion]] dark [[strikethrough]] rufous [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ sanguineous [[/insertion]] covered with short dense whitish hair; dorsum abd. [[insertion]] ^ blackish or dark sang. [[/insertion]] with cinereous hair longer & whiter laterally at the tip of the joints; 3 - 6 with a subterminal glabrous transverse [[strikethrough]] stria [[/strikethrough]] impressed line [[insertion]] ^ & the suture also glabrous [[/insertion]]. 
ant. [[female symbol]] [[insertion]] ^ about [[/insertion]] 21-jd. (2 + 19) - origin of wings [[strikethrough]] rufo-sanguineous [[/strikethrough]] orange colored or pale [[insertion]] ^ sanguineous [[/insertion]]. Legs whitish beneath, blackish above, tarsal tips all black, wings dark, bifurcation incomplete


NB In [[underline]] Strobiloides [[/underline]] &  [[underline]] rhodoides, [[/underline]] the abd. dorsum is opaque brown black [[insertion]] ^ without the subterminal glabrous line [[/insertion]], not hairy above, but laterally with a silvery white term brush of hairs on each jt. Venter also is blackish not [[insertion]] ^ dark [[/insertion]] rufo-sanguineous. [mistake]


In S. [podagrae] [[insertion]] batatas [[/insertion]] abd. [[insertion]] ^ [ [[female symbol]] ] [[/insertion]] above & below is  sanguineous, with short whitish hairs & generally lateral subterminal tufts. Thor. [[insertion]] ^ red brownish or blackish [[/insertion]] with a row of whitish hairs in each stria, making 2 whitish vittae.


Apr 17. Insect received from Platt's sister, been in her ear ever since last summer: got out 2 or 3 days ago. Put in sweet oil last summer & killed it.


April 18. Cec. [[underline]] rhodoides [[/underline]] has blood - red eggs like strobil. One damaged [[female symbol]] bred & destroyed.


Apr. 19 C. S. [podagrae] [[underline]] batatas [[/underline]]  has on dors. of abd. [insertion]] ^ [in immature sp. obsolete] [[/insertion]] a broad vitta of brown hairs covering nearly entire dors. surface, rest white hairs with a [[insertion]] ^ very [[/insertion]] definite divid by outline. Pleura [[insertion]] ^ & origin wings [[/insertion]] sanguineous.