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87) nobum umber brown, brown hairs


Apr. 19. [[underline]] Brass. [[/underline]] galls fresh gathered. In central cocoon of 2 [galls] a [[underline]] hairy [[/underline]] Chalcid. larva, white 
1 (cecid) at one end (head?) [[image - pen drawing of cecid]] a bifurcated "breastbone"?  [[insertion]] ^ 3 or 4 [[/insertion]] middle [[underline]] dorsal [[/underline]] segments with a dark vitta [[strikethrough]] scarcely [[/strikethrough]] yellowish, opaque with [[insertion]] ^ opaque [[/insertion]] curdy [[insertion]] ^ yellowish [[/insetion]] white mottlings Another cecid. contained 10 chalcid? larvae


Found at large on S. Brass. galls a remarkable Cynips [[female symbol]] ant. 14-jd. 14 1/2 longer than 13, thorax & abdomen [[insertion]] ^ except towards venter [[/insertion]] strongly pubescent, as in [[underline]] gallae-tinct [[/underline]]., abd. nearly as in [[underline]] aciculata [[/underline]] - two subterminal mesonotal striae (or carinae) each side of middle one - ventral valve with a long appendage - dorsal valve long, hairy: 2[[superscript]] nd [[/superscript]] abd. dors. circ. arc of 45° & occupying dorsally [[insertion]] ^ not quite [[/insertion]] 1/2, laterally 1/3 of abd. exclusive of 1[[superscript]] st [[/superscript]] j. Sheaths concealed in dorsal valve: 2[[superscript]] nd [[/superscript]] transverse vein crooked at [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 90° with a "stump of a vein"
Apr. 21 - C. [[underline]] Rhodoides[[/underine]]  [[insertion]] ^ male symbol [[/insertion]] emerged from pupa under my eyes as it came out abd. had the [[strikethrough]] stu [[/strikethrough]] sutures  [[strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ & tip [[/insertion]] [[/strikethrough]] widely sanguineous, & the tip [[strikethrough]] & venter [[/strikethrough]] ditto, the dorsal space between the sutures covered with appressed brown hairs occupying medial 1/2 of each joint venter was dull yellowish.  The pupa had the long cases &c fuscous & abd. pale sanguineous.  Shortly after coming out, voided creamy matter - In 3 hours dorsum abd. [[underline]] entirely fuscous [/underline]] [[insertion]] ^ & also venter except tip which was yellowish [[/insertion]]


[[underlined]] Small [[/underlined]] {cecid. [[insertion]] fulviventris [[/insertion]] pupa from strob. Wing-cases &c fuscous, abd. sanguineous, horns rectangular [[image - sketch of horns]] divergent, seta longish slender


Found a Chalcid. pupa in c.s. [[underline]] gemmae [[/underline]]

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Pupa of [[underline]] Rhodoides [[/underline]] (from [[insertion]] ^ a single specimen off S. tristis [[/insertion]] of strobil. like gall) horns [[image - sketch of horns]] rounded, [[strikethrough]] very slender [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ no short [[/insertion]] bristle behind horn, thor. bristle rather robust at base, moderately long, tapering.


A [[female symbol]] specimen of [[underline]] Rhodoides [[/underline]] (mature) has the sutures [[strikethrough]] scarcely [[/strikethrough]] slightly [[insertion]] ^ brick- [[/insertion]] red.  Another (immature) has the whole dorsum a dirty red or red strongly obfuscated & the [[strikethrough]] abd. [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ venter [[/insertion]] brick red.


I cannot distinguish [[insertion]] ^ except by average larger size of [[underline]] podagrae [[/underline]] [[/insertion]] recent [[female symbol]] of S. [[overwritten]] podagrae [[/overwritten]] [[underline]] batatas [[/underline]] from the small [[strikethrough]] rufi [[/strikethrough]] "fulviventris" [[female symbol]] from strobiloides, [[insertion]] ^ placed [[/insertion]] side by side.  Is [[insertion]] ^  [[underline]] c. s batatas [[/underlined]] [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] podagrae [[/strikethrough]] an inguiline?  But the pupal horns of [[overwritten]] podagrae [[/overwritten]] [[underlined]] batatas [[/underlined]] are much longer & are acute [[symbol]] [[underline]] "rufiventris" [[/underline]] & the number [[male symbol]] ant. j[[superscript]] ts. [[/superscript]] [[symbol]]


Apr. 22. Proctotrup. (small) still continues to come out in small numbers from S. [[overwritten]] podagrae [[overwritten]] [[underline]] batatas [[/underline]] galls.


Apr. 21. R.R. [[underline]] brassic [[/underline]] still in larva - breastbone [[image - sketch of breastbone]] bifurcated at 60° 3 parts all equally long


Apr. 22. [[underline]] Rhodoides [[/underline]] [[female symbol]] abd above [[strikethrough]] brown [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ blackish with [[insertion]] ^ a few [[/insertion]] appressed brown hairs [[/insertion]] with [[underline]] no [[/underline]] rufous sutures, conspicuous white tufts on lateral dorsum, venter [[insertion]] ^ dull rufous [[/insertion]], [[strikethrough]] yellowish [[/strikethrough]] with short appressed white hairs - ovipos. rufous (2 or 3 jts.)


{it is to this that cancelled label refers
{R.R. culvert (small) {2 [[male symbol]][[insertion]] [[underline]] fulviventris [[/underline]] very mature [[/insertion]] abd. honey yellow, with a very narrow dorsal fuscous line or vitta. ant. about 14-jd. bifurcation distinct - ([[male symbol]] same day from strob. [[underline]] without [[/underline]] the dorsal line on abd. but abd. is much fuller, as full as in most [[female symbol]] cecid. & abd. dors. shows brown hairs) Exam[[superscript]] n [[/superscript]] of my galls

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Apr. 23 [[underline]] Rhodoides [[/underline]] gall - frass of boring lepid, which had eaten the substance of leaves, leaving the veins, found in 2 + 2 + 2 galls 
Tip of [[underline]] Rhod [[/underline]] cocoon truncate, about [[strikethrough]] twice as [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ 1/2 [[/insertion]] longer than pupa.  In heart of [[underline]] Rhod [[/underline]] gall found a hairy white larva, tail pointed .15 long. Chalcid? 2 1/2 times as long as wide [= Chalcid. coppery thorax & green abd. bred from &c] 
Larva [[underline]] Rhodoid [[/underline]] 1 [[g?]] long .07 wide, yellowish opaque, with whitish bowel-like markings, & a broad dorsal fuscous vitta. T.O.