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Breast bone [[insertion]]  as in strobil. [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] [[image - sketch of breast bone]] prongs acute tapering at [30°] 45° [[/strikethrough]]


3 [[underline]] Rhod. [[/underline]] pupae, one pale sanguieous, [[insertion]] ^ wings & 1 legs pale yellowish [[/insertion]] abd. with yellowish mottlings between the sutures : 2 blackish [[insertion]] ^ including wings and legs [[/insertion]] with abd sanguin. or dull lake red, broadly vittate dorsally with fuscous | dark pupa came out in an hour thor. setae 1/8 width of thorax : none behind horn [[line]]
[[underline]] Rhod. [[/underline]] [[insertion]] ^ larva [[/insertion]]  lies [[underline]] now [[/underline]] head upwards


[[underline]] Strob. [[/underline]] larva - breastbone [[strikethrough]] a circular [[/strikethrough]]  [[insertion]] ^ two confluent oval [[/insertion]] plates with two slender parallel (not divergent) thorn-like [[insertion]] ^ very ^ acute [[/insertion]] prongs [[strikethrough]] [[image]] [[/strikethrough]] [[image - sketch of prongs]] yellowish opaque, with whitish mottlings .12 long, .071 wide: 4 or 5 or 6 [[insertion]] ^ central [[/insertion]] dorsals with a honey yellow vitta occupying 1/3 of dorsum [[insertion]] ^ another specimen yellowish immaculate [[/insertion]] [outer sides parallel, inner sides slightly divergent].
Found 2 [[underline]] hairy [[/underline]] (chalcid) bright yellow larvae, tail pointed about .08 long, curled up, & very wide under scales of strob. galls, among [[image - sketch of cocoon]] & [[image - sketch of cocoon]] cocoons.  These 2 last very generally found in company


C. S. [underline]] siliquae [[/underline]] - tip of cocoon truncate as in [[underline]] strobil. [[/underline]]


C.s. [[overwritten]] podagrae [[/overwritten]] [[underline]] batatas [[underline]]. [[insertion]] ^ .09 inch long, .04 wide [[/insertion]] breastbone [[image - sketch of breastbone]] long, black & clove-shaped - larva orange-colored - white chalcid. pupae intermixed - cells like those of lasioptera solidaginis. one found in regular gall, several in a siliquae-like gall, mixed in with siliquae [[line]]
[A [[female symbol]] callimome pupa - yellowish [[insertion]] ^ some blackish abdomen [[/insertion]] - tail recurved on back] found dozens in s. podagrae galls [[line]]


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Found another apparently [[underline]] siliquae [[/underline]] galls full of these [[image - sketch of larva]] orange larvae, in [[underline]] solidaginis [[/underline]] - like cells.  Are they [[strikethrough]] [[ underline]] rufi-ventris [[/underline]] [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] s. batatas [[/underline]] & inguilines?  No cocoon, but a smooth cell


C.s. {[[strikethrough]] amaranthus [[/strikethrough]] gnaphalioides 1 [[female symbol]] callimome [[insertion]] ^ pupa [[/insertion]] yellowish


Pupa cecid [[overwritten]] amaranthus [[/overwritten]] [[insertion]] ^ [[underline]] gnaphalioides [[/underline]] [[/insertion]] just like  (3 spec.) rhodoides. [[image - rounded part of pupa]] rounded [[strikethrough]] & scarcely so deeply imarginate [[/strikethrough]] on one side behind horn seems a very short slender seta 2/3 [[insertion]] ^ the [[thorxcus?]] one [[/insertion]] thor. seta short [[insertion]] ^ = 1/6 of thor. diameter [[/insertion]]. Pupa almost as long as gall, wing cases & legs blackish.  Thor & abd. dull red tinged & marked with fuscous, nearly as in rhodoides, thor. almost fuscous


Apr. 25  Bred cecid. [[insertion]] ^ [[male symbol]] [[/insertion]] {[[insertion]] ^ [[underline]] orbitalis [[/underline]] [[/insertion]] n. sp? from a tenthredinous (euura) gall on s. [[overwritten]] [[?]] [[/overwritten]] humilis only gall bored in the bottle & the pupa skin, which has no horns like {batatas podagrae preserved. It resembles otherwise {batatas podagrae.  Gall preserved, evidently from the skin tenthredinous.  Ant. 17 jd. (2 + 15) last joint double and very large & long. Abd. dull rufous, brownish with brown hairs on back, laterally & beneath white hairs.  Thorax dull umber brown above, with a double row of white hairs in the suture.  Origin of wings fulvous. Bifurcation pretty distinct. Scutel blackish, a little polished.  In a cell in the gall found a slightly hairy chalcid.? larva. head [[image - sketch of larva head]] no breast-bone.


C.s.  [[strikethrough]] amaranthus [[/strikethrough]] gnaphalioides. From pupa dug out April 23, came out in an hour. Butchered today (25th), abd. dors. [[insertion]] ^ deep [[/insertion]] brown with the sutures bright sanguineous, brown = 2, sanguin. = 1.  Venter sanguineous with short appressed whitish hairs.  Bifurcation distinct.  Origin of wings scarcely sanguineous. Dorsum thor. blackish


C.s. [[underline]] Rhodoides [[/underline]] [[female symbol]] Abd. blackish dors. sutures, when viewed from behind [[underline]] only [[/underline]], narrowly sanguineous.  Venter densely covered with [[insertion]] ^ short [[/insertion]] whitish appressed pubescence, on removing a part