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of which it is seen to be dark blood-red. Dors. thorax blackish, origin of wings fulvous. Dense white hairs sides of abd. Dors - ovipos retracted so as to appear [[male symbol]].

Found 7 or 8 wingless blackish aphides [[image - sketch of aphid]] on fresh gathered s. brassic. galls.
Gathered numerous [[underline]] q. podagrae [[/underline]] galls & noticed almost all were much bored.  By primary dimorphous [[male and female symbols]] type in the preceding autumn?


Apr. 27. C.S. [podagrae] [[underlined]] batatas [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] ^ [bred no cypnips q. podagrae this year: :. a few days too late.] [[/insertion]] [[female symbol]] came out, abd. sanguineous: but with the dorsum, except a narrow suture completely covered with [[insertion]] ^ 1 short [[/insertion]] brown hair, [[lill?]] rubbed off when underneath sanguineous; ovip. also brown.


Apr.28 [[underline]] Rhodoides [[/underline]] [[image - hand pointing to right]] { [[insertion]] ^ other [[male symbol]] [[strikethrough]] pussy - trap [[/strikethrough]] rhodoides, have only about 21-j. [[/insertion]] [[male symbol]] ant. distinctly 25-jointed (23 + 2) last jt. longish. Dors. abd. brown black, [[underline]] no red, [[/underline]] venter covered with white hairs, on removing a portion of which it is seen to be dark blood-red.  On removing dorsal hairs, sutures narrowly blood red when viewed from behind.

[[underline]] Strobiloid [[/underline]] [[two female symbols]] Dors. abd. brown-black, sutures dark blood red narrowly, especially when viewed from behind. [[strikethrough]] Abd. [[/strikethrough]] Venter covered with whitish hairs, on removing which it is very dark blood red.


Apr. 29 The {[[insertion]] ^ [[underlined]] fulvi-ventris [[/underlined]] [[/insertion]] orange-colored larva enclosed in cocoon under scales of s. strobil. has a distinct clove-like [[image - clove-like breastbone]] breast-bone.  Lasioptera? not bred yet.  Found in one such cocoon, with 

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its head protruding, a proctotrupid (broken but preserved) & another at large under scales of same gall.  Both preserved on same card.  
It is singular that under scales [[image - vertically elongated oval]] & [[image - circular oval]] occur in company so often.  Found [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ three galls [very many in May] [[/insertion]] with very numerous [[image - circular oval]] & no [[image - vertically elongated oval]].
 Found [[insertion]] ^ among numerous [[image - circular oval]] & [[image - vertically elongated oval]] ]] [[/insertion]] a deep yellow [[underline]] hairy [[/underline]] larva [[insertion]] ^ (.09 - .10 inch long .40 wide - 4 of these) ) [[/insertion]] [[image - circular oval]] under strobil. scales, [[strikethrough]] [ [[/strikethrough]] in a brown [[insertion]] ^ silken [[/insertion]] cocoon [[strikethrough]] ] [[/strikethrough]] .15 long  Produces small {[[underlined]] yellow [[/underlined]] chalcid? [[insertion]] no: too small [[/insertion]] No breastbone.


Found large chalcid. [[strikethrough]] oak [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ pupa [[/insertion]] inside central cocoon [[underline]] strobil. [[/underline]] There are only [[underline]] thoracic [[/underline]] thorns [[image - sketch of pupa with thorns]] on c.s. [[underline]] strobil. [[/underline]] pupa.  
Found two [[image - elongated oval]] that had been eaten into [[image - elongated oval with part missing indicating it had been eaten]] by the lepid. larva. Therefore, must have been in that state since summer of 1863, when lepid. larva  existed.  
Two or three [[underline]] c.s. strobil. [[/underline]] still in larva state. (Apr 29
Apr. 30.  [[male and female symbol]] small c. [[strikethrough]] rufi [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ "fulvi [[/insertion]] [[underline]] ventris" [[/underline]] R.R. culvert [[insertion]] ^ strobil. galls [[/insertion]] dorsum of abdomen brown hairs with widish red sutures.  Also ditto 1 [[female symbol]] s. strobil. galls.
Found 2 recent & several old [[underline]] "S. siliquae" [[/underline]] galls on [[underline]] strobiloides [[/underline]] willow.  Placed with others. Short stalk. Many (4 or 5) C. S. [[underline]] strobil. [[/underline]] still in larva in the field.  One [[strikethrough]] st [[/strikethrough]] in pupa.  Some [[insertion]] ^ cocoons [[/insertion]] empty.  The [[image - elongated oval]] were plump & full in the field: in my cocoons almost all shrivelled more or less. 
Very numerous callimome & other chalcid. (same as those from s. [podagrae] [[insertion]] [[underlined]] batatas [[/underlined]] [[/insertion]] ) obtained today & previously from the [[underline]] bored [[/underline]] galls s. [podagrae] [[insertion]] [[underlined]] batatas [[/underlined]] [[/insertion]] in a separate jar, which have produced no [[insertion]] ^ cecid. [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] cid [[/strikethrough]] s. [podagrae] [[insertion]] [[underlined]] batatas [[/underlined]] [[/insertion]]