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95) [[strikethrough]] Apr [[/strikethrough]] May 6. More than a dozen of the s. [podagrae] [[insertion]] ^ [[underline]] batatas [[/underline]] [[/insertion]] callimome (as previously) from s. [podagrae] [[insertion]] ^ [[underline]] batatas [[/underline]] [[/insertion]] galls bored [[insertion]] ^ last February [[/insertion]] & placed in separate jar. They had already produced the other pod. parasites autumnal crop of c. s. podagrae? [[insertion]] ^ batatas? [[/insertion]]
C. S. [[underline]] [amaranthus] [[/underline]] [[insertion]] ^ gnaphalioides [[/insertion]] [[female symbol]] [[insertion]] ^ immature [[/insertion]] abd. sanguineous. dorsum with sutures [[insertion]] ^ widely [[/insertion]] sanguineous, rest with [[insertion]] ^ pale [[/insertion]] brown hair. sang. = [[underline]] pale [[/underline]] brown in  extents. [[^ No lateral erect white brushes of hair]] Venter. sang. with white hairs 


Cec. s. [[underline]] strobiloides [[/underline]] [[female symbol]]. Venter dark blood-red, with white [[insertion]] ^ appressed [[/insertion]] pubescence. Dorsum brown, sutures [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ distinctly blood [[/insertion]] red, [[^ but only when viewed from behind]], but few brown hairs even when unrubbed, lateral brush of white hairs.  A medial transverse [[strikethrough]] [[ca?]] [[strikethrough]][[^  stria]] on each dorsal jt., behind which surface is glabrous & shows red from behind.  Another [[symbol for female]], more mature, venter is very dark blood red, almost red-brown, & space behind transverse stria shows dark blood red both above and & from behind, from behind [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] paler & brighter.  Two other [[symbol for female]], ditto, but venter paler.  
In about a dozen [[symbol for female]] {[[underline]] fulviventris [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] [[^ sanguine - more properly]] [[/strikethrough]] examined, abd. was bright sanguineous,  one or two scarcely brown above between the sutures, the rest more or less brown (by brown hairs) between the sutures.   Ovip. pale yellow in all.  Sang. color seems due to eggs inside.


May 7. C.s. [[underline]] brassic. [[/underline]] [[symbol for female]] venter rather deep blood-red. Abd dorsally [[strikethrough[[ brownish [[/strikethrough]] [[^ obscure brownish blood red (a few]]  brown hairs) & laterally longer cinereous hairs.  Transverse stria rather indistinct; behind

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them viewed from behind color is dark blood red.  Bred [[symbol for female]] [[strikethrough]] sanguini [[/strikethrough]] fulvi-ventris (from strob [[strikethrough]] cocoons [[/strikethrough]] [[^ galls]]ant. 2/3 of abdomen creamy yellow with a [[underline]] narrow [[underline]] linear [[^ sub-]] fuscous vitta in an acute stria; post. 1/3 blood-red ~(sanguineous), & normal, without any stria or vitta. 
Therefore [[^ yellowish]] appearance caused by extrusion of eggs & the 2 [[underline]] [[symbol for male]] [[/underline]] bred before [[^ p. 88]] = [[strikethrough]] sanguini [[/strikethrough]] fulvi-ventris? yes: see below
Bred [[symbol for male]] [[underline]] strobiloides. [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] Abd [[/strikethrough]] [[^ venter]] dull yellowish brown white pubescence.  Dorsum  brown; transverse stria rather distinct; space behind them dull yellowish brown, more especially when viewed from behind


Bred [[symbol for male]] [[underline]] fulviventris;[[/underline]] abd. yellowish fulvous; with a dorsal long[[?]]  stria showing a subfuscous linear irregular vitta antennae about 14 - jd = 2 [[symbol for male]] bred before (p. 88)


A [[symbol for female]] [[underline]] fulventris [[/underline]] has abd. [[underline]] bright [[/underline]] sanguineous as usual, but shows a dorsal long[[?]] stria.


May 8.  Bred Lasioptera solidaginis o.s.from Laurel oak galls.
A [[symbol for female]] C. s. [[underline]] strobil. [[/underline]] that was extruding her sanguin. eggs and when abd. was sensibly smaller than usual, had the dorsum entirely brown-black, even when viewed from behind.  Venter, where denuded of whitish pubescence, dull [[ ^ yellowish brick]] red.  
Another [[symbol for female]] venter very dark dingy blood red, dorsum brown-black immaculate.  Legs [[underline]] reflect[[/underline]] silvery [[^ beneath]] even to tips of tarsi, otherwise terminal 1/2 of tarsi fuscous beneath.


Bred from the [[underline]]  bored [[/underline]] lot of s batatas [podegrae] the same decatoma with spotted wings as yesterday from the others.  Thus of 3 chalcidides all identical in the bored and unbored galls.  Hence [[underline]] autumnal [[/underline]] brood of c.s. batatas] [podagrae]?

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