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Gathered a lot (15 or 16) fresh s. strobiloides galls. Found in them two [[image - elongated]] which had manifestly got the yellow gathered at the one end (the small end) thus [[image]] Cut off the [[^apparently]] empty end & found [[strikethrough]] A [[/strikethrough]] whitish fluid & the yellow squeezed out shapeless & yolk-like. Eggs? In the gall the [[underline]] small [[/underline]] end always uppermost or next the tip of the gall; the [[underline]] large[[/underline]] end is often embedded in the solid stalk.  Of 29 obtained, 14 were plump & 15 flattened & apparently dead.

X May 9. I have a gall similar to small [[underline]] s. batatas [podagrae] [[/underline]] found on "[[strikethrough]] strobiloides willow [[/strikethrough]] salix cordata" which I notice today has been bored probably by Chalcididae.  It is in miscellaneous jar.  No Cecid. yet from that jar, though lots of s. pod. chalcid. [[Image]]  Found a larva apparently of c.s. podagrae in one of the bored galls, clove breastbone & color orange. [[/bracketed]]


c.s. [[underline]] brass. [[/underline]] [[symbol for female]] [[underline]] Anterior [[/underline]] [[^ (sec)]] [[strikethrough]] part [[/strikethrough]] 1/2 of dors. abd. sanguineous, hind 1/2 pale yellowish brown, venter sanguineous [[^ front]] 3/4, rest as above.  Brown hairs only occupy 1/2 of each segment.
2 [[symbol for female]] c.s. [[underline]] strobil. [[/underline]] one venter bright sanguin., one venter brown tinged in front with sanguineous.  Both dorsum brown, sutures sanguineous, especially behind the stria when viewed from behind.


May 10. 2 [[symbol for female]] [[^ [[underline]] brassic [[/underline]] ]] 1 [[^ (immature)]] entirely sanguineous dors. abd., 1 entirely brown-black except from behind sutures slightly sang. [[symbol for male]] abd. dull luteous


1 [[symbol for male]] [[underline]] strob. [[/underline]] whole abd. obscure pale yellowish brown


1 [[symbol for male]] [[^ wasp [[underline]] orbitalis [[/underline]] ]] enura galls on s. [[strikethrough]] [[t?]] [[/strikethrough]] humilis whole abd. luteous, 2 or 3 basal jts of dorsum transversely brown on middle half.  Ant. [[symbol for male]] 2 + 20 jd.

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1 [[symbol for male]], 1 [[symbol for female]] from small batatas [podagrae].  Inquilinous & = J. p. 90?
Pupa skin no horns as [[underline]] fulviventris [[/underline]].  Otherwise like that species.  [[symbol for male]] dors. abd. dull luteous, basal segments brown, 2 or 3 next each less & less brown, [[strikethrough]] lat [[/strikethrough]] medially only.  
[[symbol for female]] [[^ whole]] abd. sanguineous, dorsally except sutures as little brownish by brown hairs.


cecid. [[underline]] orbitalis [[/underline]] [[^ recent [[symbols of male and female]] ]] Walsh has a [[strikethrough]] bright [[/underline]] conspicuous white linear orbit behind each eye [[^ meeting above]] on the occiput. Rest of occiput blackish.  In other sp. e.g. brassic. this is gray & not very conspicuous.


May 12.  Today the callimome had just coming out of s. batatas [podagrae galls], & the spotted winged rufous & black eurytomid almost - [more of eurytomid to May 13]


c.s. [[underline]] Brassic. [[/underline]] [[symbol for female]] whole abd. dorsum dark sanguineous. In this species [[^ dorsal abd.]] whitish haris are laterally not in bunches, or scarcely so. Varies, see May 13th.


c.s. gnaphalioides [amaranthus]. very 1st gall opened contained a [[underline]] living[[/underline]] pupa; front part [[^ & legs]] blackish, hind part [[^ dark blood]] red. Horns [[image]] as in strob. etc. Thoracic thorns 1/8 as long as width of thorax, whitish. Preserved it.


May 13.  Came out of s. [[underline]] brassic.[[/underline]] galls a white larva, a little yellow [[^ on the]] 2 or 3 ant. segments, with a clove [[^ shaped]] breastbone. [[image]] arrow headed at base.  Length .1 inch, 3 1/2 as long as wide.  Preserved it, with "laurel oak gall" sm. bottle.


[[symbol for male]]  c.s. [[underline]] brassic. [[/underline]] venter (hair removed) pale brown; dorsum entirely brown.  [[symbols of two females]] brass. Dorsal hairs in one twice as long & dense (especially laterally) as in the other one.  Both dorsum red.  Specimens unrubbed. [[image]]

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