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26) Cratacanthus dubius found in S. Ill. at roots of peach trees ( bored ) also h. pensylvanicus-- found Scarites subterraneus in burrows of Copris Carolina.
Geopinus incrassatus found 6 inches underground in a sandy place under a dead pigeon, whereas also were found many pupae of Musca Casar?
Geo. W. ^[[Brackett of]] Belfast, Maine, says they had "some trouble by (aphides) plant lice" with their wheat & oats. P.F. Feb. 15. 1862
March 3. '62 Removed the pseudomaginal skin from the entire thorax of a species of Cratomychus bred from oak. A very thin pellicle.
__Nondescript- [[strikethrough]] Malachidae. [[/strikethrough]]
An Antherophagus (Omaliidae) Leconte
Telephorus carolina bred (1861 spring) from pupa found under white elm bark among cerambycids & 1 under pine bark.
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[[start right side page]] (27
Nondescript? genus of Giside - hind conae transverse middle conae globular flat, rather wide apart. Ant. conae. short transverse, approximate.Sternum keeled. First j. v. abd. long.
(See Cabinet) Query - female Ceracis? = sphindus (Lecontes)
Nondescript? genus of Scolytidae

["Polygraphus?" sec]
Chramerus iconiae Sec. MS
Clerus nigripes Say is apparently parasitic on Hylesinus aculeatus Say. Found both swarming on a decaying ash on April 1861.

[[start clipping]]
Journal of the State Agr. Society
Feb 1862
Statement of Farm Management and Products for the year 1861, by S. W. Arnold, near Cortland, De Kalb county, Illinois, to whom was awarded the second premium on farms of 160 acres and upwards.
[[end clipping]]
[[second clipping]]
The oat crop was diminished at least 10 bushels per acre, by the grasshoppers, who eat off the heads, the ground being literally covered with grain, and the sod at the time of plowing this fall, was very much like the sod that forms around where a threshing machine has been used.
[[end of clipping]]
[[strikethrough]] Bruchus pisi Tenn. stays [[undelined]] alive [[/underlined]] in peas in numbers [[underlined]] over one year [[/underlined]], when peas are kept two seasons. BDW [[/strikethrough]]
mistake: did not in 1864
Magdalinus barbitus S = armicollis S. Take in company plenty on elm, & found one barbitus [[underscore]] under [[/underscore]] elm bark