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43) In Pimpla [[symbol for female]] (Hymenopt.)there are eight dorsal segments to abd. & ovipositor is attached at end of ^6th^ [5th] ventral. In Mantis [[symbol for male]] 9 dorsal, & only 8 ventral (ita Westwood [[??]] "[[symbol for female]] 9 " & ovipos. at tip of 6th ventral, the [[ecalle vulv.??]]" covering the other jts.
March 29. On Camden R.R. (west side, field) noticed several fungus - cockscomb-like galls on tips of twigs of [[strike "sycamore"]] ^cotton-wood^. Inside many dead larvae & [[strike "one"]] two winged Byrsocrypta, apparently = vagabunda Walsh [[drawing]]
[[underline]]June 6th green galls (cockscomb-like) [[/underline]] with large ^aplerous [[symbol for female)^ larvae.
April 5th. Found in company with ^Maur^ Mycetina lineata & a single Lycoperdina ferruginea [[strike "lineata"]] 8 or 9 black  larvae, evidently Endomychidrous (see fig. apend. Westw. Class) Preserved in alcohol with larva of Datana ministra
[[drawing]] willow galls - in the centre a sanguineous Cecidomyia [[strike "Hymenopterous"]] pupa -  ^enclosed in a ^soft^ hyaline cocoon^- under scales many diplerous? larvae ^(=inguilinous cecidomyia)^, yellowish.^[[strikethrough ?? [/strikethrough]] Hymenopt. Tenthredinide?
April 9. Found half-grown Evagoras vividis Uhler (Reduviad) hybernating under a log
April 18. 48 ^April 20 +3^ Cynips ^q. podagre Walsh^ [[underline]] all [[symbol for female [[/underline]] out of a ^[from Common E. of 1st slaughter house]^ woody fungus-like swelling on branches 1/2 to 3/4 inch diameter of  oak (q. tinctoria?) Ant. 14 jt. rufous basal half. Legs
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rufous, except hind coxa & fem. ^generally^ blackish & tips of tarsi of the hind lib. obfuscated. Abd. shining piceous. ^In mature black. Insect^ varies much in size. Differs from C. quercus tuber. Fitch in other respects, besides not having [[symbol for female]] 12 jt. antennae. Fitch had [[symbol for male and female]] of that species. Call this [[underscore]]Cynips quercus-podassa[[/underscore]] - very near C. [[underscore]]quercus-batatus[[/underscore]] Fitch, but that species has [[underscore]]all[[/underscore]] its thighs black & [[symbol for female]] has 13-jt. antennae & the gall is very different. ^[[underline]]see p. 46[[[/underline]]
April 25. Found (as last year) green [[symbol for female]] Tragocephala infuscata in company with numerous [[symbol for 2 males]] ranging from dull pale reddish brown to dull brown-black.
Noticed previously this month many more specimens of V. Progne in timber, & today captured one. Evidently hybernate in imago.
Took imago of Harpaetor cinctus (reduv.) Hybernates in imago, imago appearing late in summer.
Noticed on wing Pap. turnus
End of March or beginning of April I found many [[underscore]]winged[[/underscore]] [[symbol for 2 males]] of [[underscore]]Formica aphedicola[[/underscore]] in company with a single [[symbol for female?]] under a log.
April 30. Galls of a Solidago, containing ^50 or^ a hundred woody cells connected by spongy matter each cell tenanted by a pale orange-color larva ^about 1-1/2 mill. long^ [[Inseoptera]]? See O. Sackeas paper.[yes: his species]
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