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45)  Last April & 1st May - All the [[symbol for female]] Agr. Ramburii which I take (they have only appeared for the last 3 or 4 or 5 days) are of the orange-coloured var.y
Query - is this the [[underlined ]] immature [[/underlined]] type?
May 5th the elms (supposed plums or cherries) on the R.R. to Moline are now in leaf an inch long, except those badly infested with egg-slits, which have the buds only some swelled, & many of their limbs (perhaps most) [[underlined]] dead & shrivelled [[/underlined]].  Eggs not yet hatched, but some showing the dark eyes & of the included insect. No doubt = Mymar  Two or 3 days afterwards noticed same fact with infected crabs: eggs not [[underlined]] encluded & some buds which had partly opened were withered & brown.
In Living Anax Junius the rhinarium is membranous & the labrum when turned upwards entirely conceals it.
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N.P. It is [only] in [[strike: Neuroptera & Pseudoneuroptra ???Neuroptera odorata]] on a/c of their relative largeness of the hind wings, that the 4 segments of metathorax are [[strike: most easily ??]] most distinctly traceable & it affords a good example of the "unity of [[?]] plan" in the animal creations that in Ephemerina (closely allied to Odonata) they are equally plain, though the hind wings ^when present^ are very short & are traceable even in those sub-genera where the hind wings are absent; while in the genus Sphea [& Pomphlus?] which has larger wings than any other Hymenopt. & when consequently the metathorax is very large, they are scarcely better developed [[strike: more easily traceable]] than in [[strike: any]] other Hymenoptera, the metathor praescutum only being greatly enlarged.
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Prof. Westwood says "it is only in the prothorax of some Locusts that the dorsal subsegments of the prothorax can be traced." In most Reduviidae & also in Belostoma & Ranatra (Heteroptera) there is a single transverse connate suture as in Tetria, indicating two subsegments!
May 11th. A Geometer larva ^Hipparchiscus venustus Walsh^ (fed on oak?) brown with prongs like Limacodes pithecium but shorter, & body otherwise normal came out into the green geometer previously in collection. Pupa then preserved. Tongue nearly as long as antennae. Abdomen (recent) white, but green on dorsum of jts 1-3 [[words??]] greenish with a large white spot on dorsum of 2.
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May 11th. From galls of podagra 3 [[symbol for male]], 6 [[symbol for female]] of C. quercus podagra [[underlined]] W. see p.43. All head & thorax rufous, except large black spot on ocelli & dorsum of thorax black. [Specimen [[symbol for female]] preserved alive changed? See next page] Antennae rufous, extreme tip obfuscated - less rufous, hind tip generally obfuscated. Abdomen piceous above, almost rufous beneath.
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May 12. Bred from infected twigs of elm on R.I. & C.R.R. numerous [[symbol for male]] & 3 [[symbol for female]] Mymar beneficus Walsh. Eggs had been  noticed containing blackish pupa, while the rest were white. Must have  been the black Mymar there. Noticed May 9 or 10 (or 11) many Mymar [[underlined]] on the elm trees. Antennae [[symbol for female]] pale;  [[symbol for female]] 9-5 jts [[drawing]] 13 jt (1&2) see p. 48. Differs from Mymar Hal. in abd. not [[underlined]] being peduneled [[?]]. It is pedund. 
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