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47) May 15th
Cynips podagrae - one [[female symbol]] bottled May 11 still retains the pale rufous ground - colour.  Others ^subsequently^ the 1st 24 hours of coming out, are all but black in the pale parts.

[[next paragraph crossed out, but reads]]
Of a lot butchered today (May 15) (gc) 

2 [[male symbol]] [[strike: full]] pale rufous ^ ground color^ & 1 [[female symbol]] rufous ^(gc.)^ (bottled May 12)

3 [[male symbol]] [[strike: full]] pale rufous ^(gc.)^ 10 [[female symbol]] [[strike: full]  pale rufous, ^(g.c.)^ 2 [[female symbol]] rufous ^(g.c.)^ (fd. May 12)

[[strike: 4 symbol for male black]]
1 [[symbol for male]] very pale rufous ^head, body black^ 4 [[symbol for fmale]] black (head rufescent)
All 4 small, 3 [[symbol for female]] rufous (g.c.) (bottled May 13

1 [[symbol for male]] pale rufous Head (g.c.) ^ body black^ 2 [[symbol for female]] black, 1 [[symbol for female]] (as small as the 4 small [[2 symbols for female]] of May 13) black, head rufescent, 2 [[symbol for female]] pale rufous (g.c.) ^=podagra^ bottled May 14th
N.B. observed in bottle pale & dark individuals, [[symbol for male]] mounted [[underlined]] on [[symbol for female]], but not coupled [[underlined]].

[[end of crossed out section, return to text]]
2 species 
1st pseudo-podagrae pleura ^=(?) Cynips (synerges)lignicola O.S. 2nd Art. p.252^ (but differs slightly) &  [[strike: mes. praescutum]] collare rufous, head rufous with a large black spot on ocelli, abdomen piceous, rufescent beneath 2nd podagrae [[underlined]] ^described before-p.43) head black, mouth & front pale or rufescent ^vertex black^ body black. [[strike: (a cuckoo cynip?)]] These two between May 10 & 15th came out together from the same galls in numbers.
The 1st belongs to Harley's A,II (i. inguelinae) the 2nd (which came out soonest) belongs to A.I. & is the true maker of gall, no doubt. Besides the 1st ingueline I have reared 8 [[symbol for female]] of another inguiline [[strike: line not readable]] from the same gall which is black, & closely resembles podagrae, but neuration is different ^antennae are larger & [[symbol ?]]^ but is smaller = mendax ^see p.49^ [[strike: Both galls together, but q. ficus had many holes made by an apterous cynip?]]
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In my lettuce bed (head lettuce, wide apart) dug under two "cut" plants & found 1/4 grown & 1/2 grown larva, apparently of Lachnosterna quercina = cutworm (see my Articles). May 16 dug [[strike: III]] up two more, one actually attached to the roots, which I had undermined.
May 17. Two homopterous larvae from elm-slit eggs. Pale with black eyes & on dorsum a double row of 10-11 hairy ^fleshy^ filaments, 3 on thorax. Head hairy, & with 2 antennae like the filaments which = breadth of segments [[drawing]]
[[symbol?]] Certain Entozoa have a genital orifice, distinct from anal; Wyman P.B. Soc. N.H. Vol IX-p.180
[see p. 46 bottom]
[[symbol for female]] of Mymar beneficus W. ^(living)^ has the scapus [[drawing]] thus ^living [[symbol for female]] has abd. peduneled [[drawing]]^
1&2 distinctly [[free??]] & pale; rest black. Elbow is between 1&2. Joints difficult to count, but either 8 or 9; club 1 jd. In [[symbol for male]] joints certainly = 13.
May 17th. Oak-leaves scarcely yet full-size ^(about 3/4)^ in a/c of late spring, yet found numerous oak-apples, [[underline the following:]] all with terminal nipple, [[end of underline]] near slaughter-house on  the Flats. Larva in them half-grown, & many of the apples full grown. Skin thick as apple of aciculata. Are not these the spring-brood of aciculata & both [[symbols for male & female]]? My [[symbol for male]] aciculata came out from a gall with [[underline the following]] very thin [[end underline]] skin before July 5. On the same trees, still hanging on, were many galls of last year, perforated with small (parasitic) holes & some by ^many^ Synophri, all of which had nipples [[underlined]].
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