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57) July 1. from [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] egg-slits of the crab (R.R. tree) observed [[strikethrough]] a    [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] 8 [[/insertion]] perfectly hatched tettigonia, ^ [[insertion]] from 7 different slits [[/insertion]] apparently, from the shape of head, [[underlined]] chl. malefica [[/underlined]]. They lay [[underlined]] inside [[/underlined]] the slits, but were motionless & apparently dead. Most of the other eggs are empty, preyed on by [[underlined]] Mymar [[/underlined]] ? They were white, eyes dusky. No thorns or prickles. [[symbol]] larvae first hatched ([[underlined]] Membracidae [[/underlined]]) Several other eggs were dusky at tip, besides 2 black eyes, similar to one observed at Bloomington were these Mymar? Observed a dead [[female symbol]] Mymar ^ [[insertion]] in egg slit [[/insertion]] with antennae fully developed. Some of the hatched [[left?]]. (1 or 2) lay with the head the [[underlined]] wrong way.[[/underlined]] Did not observe [[underlined]] any [[/underlined]] membracide larvae.
June 31. Observed a dozen & more full-winged tettigonia on R.R. crab, but cd. not catch any. Also, on a cursory inspection, several very young tettig. larvae.
N.B. There had hatched between June 24 & 31st 2 or 3 membracide larvae from a bottle full of pear crab & elm infected twigs taken to Bloomington.
July 2. Saw a half-grown larva of Reduvius raptatorius Say walk off with a cynips in its mouth, half as large as itself, on my umbrella while [[beating?]].
July 2. From earth on which I had placed fall of 1862 infected [[hairs?]] obtained Conotrachelus [[strikethrough]] near anaglypticus Say [[/strikethrough]]. posticatus? [[Schonherr?]] Passed the winter underground.
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July 4 Bred the small common { atomaria corticaria pumila Melsh} from c. q. inanis galls.
July 3. Examined [[image - pencil sketch of gall]] willow galls - this big - no larva discoverable.
July 4. Noticed pupa of conocephalus & also of Caloptenus bivittatus? or the closely allied species, both of which had short wings, flattened & veined in the peculiar manner which in Locustadae & Gryllidae seems always to indicate the pupa state.
July 5 R.R. Elms full of leafhoppers - imago & half-grown larvae & pupae. 
[[insertion]] Aug. 16 opened all straws (6 or 7) in glass jar - all empty [[/insertion]]
July 9. Recd. from J.H., Carroll Co. 4 larvae, flattish about .2 long, with a lateral & dorsal row of spines & two bifurcate caudal appendages. Head large & flat. Larva of cryptarcha ampla, [or phenolia grossa] a specimen of which was brought me by Dr. Velie from Geneseo infected locusts, he supposing they destroyed the locusts, as J.H. does.
Found Perilampus triangularis Say ^ [[insertion]] dead but perfect [[/insertion]] inside a chrysalis about 1/2 inch long under a log.
^ [[vertical line indicating Aug 16 insertion]]
[[line]] July 10. Mr. ^ [[insertion]] Wm [[/insertion]] Miller of Pleasant Ridge informs me many oat-straws with him are attacked by a worm 1 inch long, [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] so thick, inside the straw just above ^ [[insertion]] one of [[/insertion]] the ^ [[insertion]] lower [[/insertion]] joint.  Oats come to nothing.  Won't be [[repa.?]] for 2 weeks.