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July 8 Found larva of P. thoas on [[strikethrough]] Papaw? [[/strikethrough]] x (Tree with 3-lobed leaves - [[strikethrough]] annona triloba? [[/strikethrough]]) Ptelea [[strikethrough]] or hop- [[/strikethrough]] tree
July 10th. went to pupa.  Larva agrees with figure sent me by Edwards from Sen. Abbott, the dotted & spotted parts being cinereous gray, the other parts dark brown. [Came out July 31 & escaped me] [Dryocampa] distigma n.g. = Sphingicampa [[symbol]] ant. [[female symbol]] bipectinate, larva sphingiform.
[[whole section strikethrough]] Article on remarkable larvae & their imagos.
D) * 1 [[superscript]] st [[/superscript]]. Tabanus  p.7 * & Midas
1* ) [[horizontal line down to C]] 2 [[superscript]] nd [[/superscript]]. Limacodes scapha p. 36
[[check mark]] 3 [[superscript]] rd [[/superscript]]. Sphingicampa distigma & Dryocampa bicolor?
[[check mark]] 4 [[superscript]] th [[/superscript]] Lophocampa tessellaris ("incorrectly figured in Smith & Abbott - my caterpillar?) [[strikethrough]] Dromiona [[/strikethrough]] Antiphola (Comedy of Errors) [[line]] (my species) (p. 371 
* 5th Green geometer (p. 46)
C) [[check mark]] 6 Oryctes satyrus p. 24
[[strikethrough]] [moth of Solidago galls p.17 [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] N) [7 Chauliodes  p. 11] [[/strikethrough]] Pygaera albifrous larva p.35
[8 Pyralida p.13]
C [[check mark]] ) 9 Areoda lanigera p.10
C [[check mark]] ) 10 Ciciudela b [[strikethrough]] fructata [[/strikethrough]] guttata p.10
[[lambda]] ) * Phycita nebulo P.F. & its larva p.18 } & other descriptions (Dr. LeConte)
[[/whoe section strikethrough]]
[[image - pen drawing of gall]] willow galls are C. strobiloides of Loew's Monograph; (known only in larva & central pupa unnoticed.) (larva cynipioid
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
July 15. In a lot of R.R. willow galls (undescribed & different from C. [[two horizontal lines]] [[underlined]] salicis [[/underlined]] Fitch = [[underlined]] rigidae [[/underlined]] Loew galls) found in the centre of each sub-gall [[drawings]] a pale larva, with no colored or horny head 12 or 13 jtd. including the head, .05 to .12 long & from 1/2 as long again as wide to twice as long as wide.  Color whitish.  Specimens preserved.  This must be the author of the gall.  Is it a Cecidomyiade? Found also in the ^swollen^ stems of these galls where they branch out [[diagram]] in cylindrical burrows in the wood opening outside through the bark a singular two-beaked pupa, not coarctate, but with the legs and antennae distinct.  Abd. yellowish or reddish, rest blackish, length .12 to .09 inch, beak 1/6 or 1/7 as long as body [[drawing of beak]].  From one of these proceeded under my eyes a Cecidomyide imago, ^not beaked,^ preserved with its pupa-skin.  Depredating on these in same burrows several chalcidide pupae (Eruytomides) one came to imago & preserved.  Pupae .06 to .09 inch long.  Burrowing into the subgalls many lepidopterous larvae ^(6 or 7 at least)^ .15 - .10 inch long, pale green, with the head & top of 1st segment black. Also a pupa of the same .17 long.  Came out  ?  

Also very many (100 & over) aphis - blackish with greenish abdomen.  One winged perserved.  Larvae some pale greenish, some black above with a longitudinal pale vitta above, much dilated before the middle; ^ No intermediate grades^ Preying on these noticed 2 Tyrphus larvae & 1 lacewing larva.