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Noticed also among the subgalls 2 specimens of an { [[insertion]] [[lislarderes?]]? [[/insertion]] 
{anthonomus? (preserved), new to me? Also 6 or 7 anthocoris pseudochinche Fitch, & 2 or 3 of its larvae.
Prodigious exuberance of insect life!
The Lepidopterous insect, being [[underline]] much [[/underline]] smaller, must be different from that formerly bred by me from their galls. It is. July 23 one came out.
July 16. Examined Slaughter-house oaks. No new galls formed. Out of about [[strikethrough]] 14 or [[/strikethrough]] 16 ^[[insertion]] or 18 [[/insertion]] galls left on a particular tree [[strikethrough]] one half [[/strikethrough]] 3 or 4 (opened) contained lively larvae, & on the whole full one half were not perforated. Will these produce [[underline]] aciculata [[/underline]] in the fall & spring?
Crab-trees generally ^[[insertion]] now [[/insertion]] have their leaves spotted with large orange-colored spots, observed 5 or 6 weeks ago ^[[insertion]] in the old graveyard [[/insertion]] & which now on their lower surface have either a fungus or a minute conical [[insertion]] cecidom? [[/insertion]] cynips-gall [image - pen drawing of minute conical shapes]] growing from the spots. [A fungus - "cluster cup" - see article in Ameri Agric.]

[[strikethrough]] N.Y. Tribune, July 14. '63 [[/strikethrough]]

- July 19. Noticed incipient galls [[image - pen sketch of column shape]] on R.R. willows, in which I found eruciform pale larvae (legless?) .1 ^[[insertion]] inch [[/insertion]] long & less. Interior of galls pithy. 
April 1864 developed to Cerambycids, which I am  breeding. = Saperda inornata [[Sag?]]

[[end page]]

[[start page]]           

July 20. Today & yesterday I have 9 [[male symbol]] & 13 [[female symbol]] of Glyphe (ceraphron) ^[[insertion]] near [[/insertion]] destructor(?) Say come out from an ^[[insertion]] irregular [[/insertion]] mass of white silken cocoons found in the old grave-yard this summer (about end of June) on a stem of grass & enveloped in floss. The [[male symbol]] ^[[insertion]] (recent) [[[/insertion]] have abd. [[image - pen sketch of insect abdomen]] & profile [[(image - pen sketch of profile of insect abdomen]], & the [[female symbol]] ^[[insertion]] (recent) [[/insertion]] abd. [[image - pen sketch of insect abdomen]] & profile ([[image - pen sketch of hand pointing to right ]]) [[image - pen sketch of profile of insect abdomen]] or [[underlined]] triangular [[/underlined]] not [[underline]] flat. [[/underline]]

It is only the [[2 male symbols]] [[image - hand pointing to left]] that have a white spot on the base of the dorsum of abdomen. & they have brighter green ^[[insertion]] in front parts [[/insertion]] than [[2 female symbols]] generally.  I am [[underline]] certain [[/underline]] about their coming from the cocoons, because I moved the cocoons from one jar to another last night & specimens came out [[underline]] in both jars [[/underline]]; [[image - pen sketch of hand pointing to left]] yet I saw yesterday no holes in the cocoons.  No [[underline]] [[traconides?]] [[/underline]] yet come out from the cocoons.  NB. July 22 had 13 [[underline]] [[male symbol]] [[/underline]] come out, 5 with the yellow spot, 8 [[underline]] without [[/underline]], but all (recent) with [[underline]] flat [[/underline]] abdomen. July 23 2 [[female symbol]] came out & 3 [[male symbol]] all spotted. [[insertion]] [The color of above varies greatly & I believe them = destructor Say = viridescens Walsh. = jail cocoon [[obscured by note]] [[image -cross shape]] [[/insertion]] 


July 23. Bred [[female symbol]] Gnophria vittata from a dirt cage filled with dirt this spring, in which had leaf-feeding caterpillars on oak & perhaps on birch & thorn. Harris makes larva feed under stones on lichens. Was it among the dirt when put in?

Bred last [[covered by note]] which [[underline]] copulated [[/underline]] [[covered by note]] hour 


July 25 had 
[[covered by note]] cocoons ^[[insertion]] Sail [[/insertion]]] [[covered by note]] the larva has [[covered by note]] image of white floss, & sat each in a head of hollow in it, moving to & fro [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] the fore

[[Overlaying note]]
[[image - cross shape]]  Yet, [[underline]] destructor [[/underline]]  issues singly from [[underline]] Cecidomyia [[/underline]] destructor & [[underline]] viridescens [[/underline]] in swarms from lep. larvae & spins a cottony envelop. Eutomophagic species? [[underline]] Cleonymus clisiocampae?,[[/underline]] which breeds
[[/overlaying note]]

Transcription Notes:
[[NOTE: Identical to page 63 which does not have overlaying note]] [[NOTE: Bottom on right hand page partly covered with note]]