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[[NOTE: This page has a note overlay covering a portion of the text.  The note is on digital page 89.  The text without note is on digital page 90]]

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c.s. gnaphalioides [amaranthus] cocoon is no longer than pupa and about 2/3 - 3/4 as long as the gall.  Dug out of one 6 specimens of the Chalcidide bred from so many of these galls, [[symbol for male]] rufous. ant. [[symbol for female]] black ant. thorax [[image: square]] no sutures.  Opened 20-30 galls.  Pupae all apparently dead.  Anterior part black, posterior dark sanguineous.


May 14.  The callimome has ceased coming out of s. batatas [podagrae] galls for many days: the spotted winged decatoma?  still coming out.  the [[symbol for male]] callimome had come out [[^ ]]numerously]] [[underline]] at least [[/underline]] a week before a [[symbol for female]] appeared. 


 Found [[underline]] loose [[/underline]] among s. strobiloides galls one of the yellow hairy chalcidide? larvae.  Placed in vial. 


A spotted winged decatoma? from [[underline]] small [[/underline]]
[[^ [^[failed?] ]] s. pod. batatas galls.  


3 [[symbol for male]] [[underline]] fulviventris. [[/underline]]  Abd. of all [[underline]] not [[/underline]] sanguineous but clay-yellow or pale fulvous, Banded above between the sutures indistinctly with brown, one insect more than the others. Ant. 2 + 12 jd. (about). Back of the head uniformly dusky, no orbital white or gray line as in [[underline]] orbitalis.[[/underline]]


May 15. [[symbol for female]] c. [[underline]] fulviventris, [[/underline]] ten minutes after it came out of pupa, showed dark brown dorsum except sutures & also 2 last segments.  Ovip. as usual yellowish.  Venter sanguineous.  2 [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] other [[symbol of 2 females]] showed 7 basal dorsal segments brown, [[^ except sutures sanguineous]], [[^ 8th 1 or]] last sang.  --- had only terminal 1/2 of 6 basal segm. slightly brown

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[[underline]] C. orbitalis [[/underline]] [[symbol for female]] ( from small s. podagrae galls) has orbits conspicuously white in a line behind next the eye.
7 dorsal abd. jts slightly brown medially above, 8th or last sang., ovip. yellowish.  Epistoma(?) with conspicuous white hairs.  Bifurcate complete.


May 20. [[underline]] Small s. batatas [podagrae] galls produced several [[symbols for male and female]] callimome, same as [[underline]] large [[/underline]] s. batatas [podagrae] which also today produced a few [[symbols for male and female]] but no more spotted [[underline]] Decatoma? [[/underline]]


Bred 5 specimens [[underline]] Saperda [[covered by note]] rnata [[/underline]] Say from willow branches.  This species [[covered by note]] dentified" by LeConte ([[?]] Say's works)


May 21. Bred 2 [[symbol for female]] n. [[covered by note]] of Inquilines on q. punctata [[?]] galls [[^ found Oct. 65 to be black oak]] (red oak[[covered by note]]  dorsally, & 5 - 7 gradually smaller till 7 is = 1/2 of 2 dorsally]] [[strikethrough]] 2nd joint dorsally [[^ scarcely]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 1/3 of [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 
V.V. indistinct; [[covered by note]]  short [[^ sheaths protruding from its tip]] with ovipos. protruding ant. [[symbol for female]] 14 jd. [[^ [[symbol for male]] 14 - jd. also, June 2]] [[covered by note]] than 13. Abd. rufous [[^2 [[?]] ]] basal [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] basal 1/2 of 3 [[covered by note]] (but not laterally)]] black: [[strikethrough]] 3 nearly as long as 2: rest gradually shorter. [[/strikethrough]] Radial area closed, closing vein extending beyond it along [[costal?]] edge. Areolet moderate, distinct, 1/4 of the way from base of rad. area. [Parasites on abd. as in many rhoditifornus 1864]


May 22. 4 or 5 callimome from small s. batatas [podagrae] noticed in almost every [[image-elongated]] forms. Strobiloides gall, a fuscous dot [[^ [on each side] ]] formed near the [[underline]] small [[/underline]] or upper end thus [[image]].  Maturing to pupa? [= eyes of orchelimum]


May 24. 1 [[symbol for male]] 2 [[symbol for female]] [[underline]] brassicoides [[/underline]] came out - threw away


May 26. 2 [[underline]] ditto [[underline]] came out


- [[image - elongated]] under strobiloides scales (insulated in bottle), prove to be eggs [[?]] orchelimum.  Four hatched out.

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