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101) Several subsequently came out. Lie in the shell of egg thus [[image]] - Green in the egg & when they first come out: shortly become much marked with black.


June 5. [[underline]] Lucidota [[/underline]] atra bred from a pinkish white pupa found May 22 under bush, with a blackish larva skin near it.


X Even the eurytomades on [[underline]] q. punctata [[/underline]] galls were full of those octopod? parasites that infest both its inguilines. 


Found two of larva No. 66 (Hagen) under stones on rapids, one preserved in alcohol. The other swims with its 3 caudal appendages alone [[^ held at 45° with axis, guiding itself occasionally by  moving some of its legs]] (no lateral branchae) which it {[[^ thrashes]] vibrates up & down vigorously.  Kept alive & vigorous three days in cistern water changed twice a day. Other (Ephem. & Pert.) larvae mostly died, except one Perlad.


June 8. [[underline]] Cec. orbitalis [[/underline]] from small s. podagrae galls [[symbol for female]] orbits normally white; 3 linear vittae on notum; scutel white hairs: pleura [[underline]] fulvous [[/underline]] sanguin: venter sanguineous with short appressed white pubesc. longer whiter & denser towards notum of abd: dorsum brown (7 segm), rest & ovip. [[underline]]sanguin. [[/underline]]fulvous.  Hind edge of abd. dors. segm. [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] cinerous hairs. Sutures same as dorsum & notum of thor. c.e. dark umber brown.


June 9. No. 66 still alive. Crawls quite slowly [[image]] swims strongly

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June 10. Noticed in the opening behind the carapace, on taking the No. 66 out of water, filmy branchia vibrating strongly [& also pair of [[^ appendages]] [[ (image]) ]] behind attached to notum [[image]] origin on base of branchiae?  These last not seen on a second inspection.]


June 11. Attacus Cecropia ([[symbol for female]] came out) holds its wings [[underline]] vertically [[/underline]] closed [[image]] [[strikethrough]] [[D?]][[/strikethrough]] Cerato-campadae. 


Found [[strikethrough]] 5 or [[/strikethrough]] 6 more [[underline]] baetisca [[/underline]] larvae. The last ventral but 4 is twice is long as the others as in the [[underline]] imago, [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] In [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[^ but with an indication of a central obsolete suture]] under the tip of the carapace, attached to the basal ventrals on each side is large soft membranous branchia [[image]] The head articulates with the carapace by membrane, freely.  No [[underline]] dorsal [[/underline]] abdominals visible before the 5 external ones.  Dissected one, put one in alcohol. Four placed alive in jar. 


Found many Nematus leaf galls [[^ [[underline]] s. pomum [[/underline]] ]] [[image]] on [[strikethrough]] : strobiloides [[/strikethrough]] [[^ s. cordata]] willow.  Contained a white tenthred larvae 1/10 or 1/8 inch long.


June 12. The first c. q. pseudotincloriae opened contained a large white larva,  apparently alive, & cynipidous(?).
The fasciations, not vittation, of legs proves Batisca (?) larva Ephemerinous not Odonatous.

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