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103) In the living baetisca larva, on its elevating its carapace, looking under it there seem to be the basal dors. abd. segments normally arranged.  Are they membranous? The branchia, after the water had dried out, adhered to the carapace & left a clear view.  There are [[underline]] laterally [[/underline]] dorsal abd. of a horny texture but narrow.

X Today opened about 8 q. spongifica galls, which were on the average not full grown yet. One contained a mass of 12 or 16 chalcidide larvae [[image]]; 1 a half grown cynipide larve; the rest nearly or quite fullgrown ditto. Strung 21 galls on the S. W. side of a larger black oak (nearly 2 ft thro at butt) S W from the slaughter house.

0 Found Authonomus prunicida on a plum on a wild plum tree, almost all the fruit of which had 1 - 5 [[underline]] round [[/underline]] perforations, & a few were gnawed out or excised. A string of gum exuded from almost all the round holes.  No [[image]]incisions.

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A large [[^ ash]] gray caterpillar about [[^ 2 -]] 2 1/4 [[strikethrough]] or 2 [[/strikethrough]] inch long, anal prolegs, very long & slender, two segments behind thorax much elongated with which it loops as it progresses, th[[strikethrough]] r [[/strikethrough]]ough it is 16-footed.  Under 3 or 4 of the middle segments a larger squarish black patch. Food plant ___ ? Spun up between leaves June 13. In glass-[[?]] dirt cage.  [July 7 came out a Catocala.]


June 13. Baetisca obesa [[symbol for female]] came out from larva No 66 obtained 8 days ago.


June 15. The three caudal setae B. obesa are very distinctly feathered on both sides. [[image]] The smallest specimen had crawled out of water yesterday & is there motionless still.  


Are the lateral thorns of carapace the wing cases? Yes.


June 16. The "smallest specm June 15" was apparently dead, having remained in the same place 2 days. Put in alcohol. In the evening a [[symbol for male]] [[^ imago]] came out & a [[symbol for female]] split open on back and partly came out & died.  It was found floating [[underline]] in the water; [[/underline]] not on the cork; put in alcohol.  Also remaining specimen put in alcohol, which was convulsively moving & apparently just going to come to subimago.  Thus they lived over 5 days in clear water, & 1st spcm. 6 or 7 days.

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