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1050 June 19. In Diplax, anus [[symbol for female]] is [[underscore]]below [[/underscore]] middle sup. process & [[underscore]] above [[/underscore]] two inferior processes. [[image - M-shape]] Had one void excrement in my hand [[checkmark]]. [[Same?]] gomphus
Found 3 galls = q.sculptus Btt. but on black not red oak.  Diamr .60-.85 inch [Dug a dead sculptus out of one afterwards] Found Myodites [[strike]] stylopidus [[/strike]] Walshii in the mouth of Harpactor cinctus in beating oaks on Dunlap's farm. Opened 3 spongifica galls: all in larva.  None bored yet. Placed 21 more on the same tree, & 20 on the large black oak beyond fork of road overhanging Jon. Case's east fence, on the overhanging bough.  -- On recent "[Merodosia fuzz]" ^s. aenigma^ (willow) noticed a larva of Thripide.  Internal larvae barely visible as yet & small, but space whre they work discolored & brown.-- Found a spherical gall, internally like pseudotinctoria, on Black oak.  Externally undistinguishable from small q. spongifica
June 23. Gathered 15 spongifica galls below sawmill. None yet bored by [[underscore]] spongifica [[/underscore]]. Three pin-holes (loviventris?) in 3 galls, 1 in each.
June 26. ^ previously^ scarce a [[underscore]] q. inanis [[/underscore]] gall to be met with. Where they were abundant last year.  Those found all but one contained bunches of chalc. larvae.
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June 28. The "[Merodosia fuzz]" ^s. aenigma^ full of [[underscore]]anthocoris pseudochinche [[/underscore]] Fitch, & its larva or pupa which is orange-color, immaculate
s. [[underscore]]strobiloides [[/underscore]] grown to 1.2 inch in diameter, spherical white ^with green at base^ old galls still on tree.
July 3. 1 [[symbol for male] c. nubilipennis came out. No spongifica came out yet out of about 18 galls. In the [[symbol for male]] [ita] Hetaerina anus is long slit [[double underscore]] between [[/double underscore]] the inferior appendages. (Ent. Soc. Spec, with long excrement protruding)
July 10. gall [[underscore]]s. rhodoides [[/underscore]] slightly conical, leave except at tip round-ovate, green outside changing to pale yellowish green slightly tinged with rosy in the middle. Leaves in the extreme middle lanceolate. The shrub on which I found Pap. [[Jhons?]] last yaer is not pawpaw but Ptelea trifoliate Linn. (Rue family) shrubby trefoil or Hop-tree.
July 16 Found anthonomus 4-gibbus s. abundant on Crataegus.
July 17. The leaves of [[underscore]] s.brassic.[[/underscore]] galls are ovate-lanceolate, centrally lanceolate.  Found plenty of ^winged^ Aphis on leaves [[image]] galls (galls also but noticed none winged)