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107) "Salix rostrata, a northern sp. occurring in Winnebago Co. frequently bears cones". M.S. Bebb


July 24. Found pupa-skin of Carpocapsa pometella half protruding from an apple in the breeding jar. 


Tenthredinous larva in [[strikethrough]] leaf [[/strikethrough]] S. pomum galls of Salix numilis now .15 inch long.


Larvae (orange) in S. batatas [podagrae] .09 long & with [[^ slender]] clove-shaped breastbone. Another larva (white) no breastbone. Callimome? 


Dimorphous [[2 symbols for male]] of Dicranota rivularis, (some long, some short antennae. O.S. Limnol[[?]], p. 250.)


July 25.  Took 4 Tetyra fimbriata Say (Scutelleridae) in a caterpillar's (gregarious) nest on some plants. Myriads of little caterpillars [[image]] then fed on them?


Found larva (lepid) in [[underline]] S. strobil. [[/underline]] gall. Youngish?


July 26. Noticed swarm of Chinch bug on the wing in the air close to Jonah Case's farm. Pettit noticed the same in town. Flew freely.


Saw two or three Reduvius raptatorius on wild umbelliferous on Bluff-bottom farm. July 27 took [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] one there with a small Crabro in its mouth.


The caterpillars of Pap-asterius when they first appear [[^ (1/2 - ]] 3/4) inch long) are marked like Pap. thoas mature larva.

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The fact of Dytiscidae dropping down  upon glass frames, mistaking them for water as Westw. well suggests, as proof that they have perception of color.


July 27. Found many orange-color Cecid. larvae under scales of [[underline]] S. strobil. [[/underline]] gall. [[^ Largest]] about .07 inch long when extended 3 [[^ 3-1/2]] times as long as wide. Breast-bone clove-shaped, but not slender.


July 28. Took a pure white variety of Callimorpha militaris [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] near Dunlaps farm


Took [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] [[^ the large]] red Anthracide with a bee (Panurgus?) in its mouth. The bee had it feet entangled in Asclepias particles.


July 29.{ [[^  Came out an Orgyia [Parorgyia achatina [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Packard [[strikethrough]] according to [[Grota?]] [[^ who borrowed the imago]] Tussock caterpillar on Salix ovata. Gray - Length .90 inch. Head [[^ shining[[?]] ]] black. On the dorsum of body joints 4-7 a brush-like [[^ transverse]] whitish tuft [[^ 3 [[?]] ]] 8 - 10 two dorsal small diverging tufts - [[image]] a long black pencil [[image, possibly a strikethrough]] on the jt. 1 (next head) a pair of such pencils. On {11} [[^ [12 [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ? see p. 153] ]] A less obvious [[^ taken under back [[?]] so yes; larva ]] & slenderer pair [[strikethrough]] nearly [[/strikethrough]] horizontal body with warts & diverging [[^ gray]] airs.  On the same bush a cocoon = caterpillar?  [No: this came out a [[underline]] Trichiosoma.][[/underline]]


 The [[^ [[strikethrough]] leaf [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] S. [[Pomum?]] [[/underline]] ]] gall on S. cordata must be made by Anthonomus. [[^ [No. see p.110] ]] Found many larva & 2 pupae in them but no tenthred. larvae. The Nematas must be

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