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109) an inquiline. Found one gall [[underline] along with [[/underline]] an Anthonomus pupa a singular [[^ blue]] black polished pupa, hard thorny, abd bordered like scutel in Perilampus. [[image: abdomen?]]. Found 3 others by themselves in other galls. Placed in vial. Galls often rosy like an apple.
Leaf galls { [[^ desmodioides ]] on S. humilis different shape. [[image]]


July 30. Noticed young Coccus hatched out from the body of the hickory Coccus gathered 5 or 6 days ago, & crawling about on its surface. Also long slender larva [[image]] protruding & twisting their bodies about like a Syrphus larva, the tail remaining on the body of the Coccus.


A large green Tortrix? larva (3/4 inch long) found bored into [[underline]] S. strobil. [[/underline]] gall. Evidently not its regular habitat? Placed in jar.


S. [ batatas/ podagrae ] larvae [[^ orange &]] already [[^ apparently]] full size, with slender clove-shaped breastbone. Some curdy white gut like markings above and below. [[strikethrough]] [ [[/strikethrough]] Cells [[^ irregularly shaped, placed]] at centre of gall about .1 or .07 from surface external part [[^ of gall]] white & fleshy. No cocoon apparent & surface of cell brown [[^ opaque]] & rather rough & scaly. May [[strikethrough]] spi [[/strikethrough]] make cocoon afterwards? Several white larva (Callimone [[ 6 decatoma?]] ) in the cells, not hairy & no breastbone.


Insect of gall not discoverable yet in S. [[gnaphalioides written over]]  [[underline]] amaranthus [[/underline]]

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[[^ Lepidopt.]] larva of [[underline]] S. rhod. [[/underline]] gall greenish white, 1st jt. of body glossy blackish with slender pale dorsal line or vitta. Head blackish glossy, 6 legs dusky.


Larva (Cecid.) of [[underline]] S. rhod. [[underline]] hyaline with opaque curdy white marking & a longitud. [[strikethrough]] central [[/strikethrough]] yellow stripe in centre of body, 0.7 inch long. Breast-bone indistinct, but "curdy white" denotes it not a Chalcide.


[The lepid. of S. brassic. [[brassicoides?]] sent Clemens is not described yet by him; neither is that of solidago gall.]


July 30. {Found [[^ [[underline]] S. pomum [[/underline]] ]] today numerous 20-footed Tenthredinous larvae (Nematus?) on leaf galls of S. cordata. [Anthonomus scutellatus must be an Inquiline.] Eyes large, blackish & distinct. Length about .20 inch.

X Found in Chippiannock a bush partly S. [[underline]] longifolia [[underline]] & partly [[underline]] S. cordata. [[/underline]]  The former had [[^ many]] brassicoides galls, the latter many strobiloides galls, & never vice versa. These two willows readily distinguishable by foliage.


July 31. [An inquilinous [[strikethrough]] Cy [[/strikethrough]] Cecidomyia see O.S. apud Loew pp. 180 & 184 [[image]] & 186.] Bred today [[symbol: 2 males, 1 female]] Cec. [[underline]]  fulviventris [[/underline]] from [[underline]] new [[underline]] strobiloides galls. [[symbol for therefore]]species is double-brooded.


"Merodosia fuzz" = salicis aenigma


C. S. [[underline]] brassicoides [[underline]] larva already about [[strikethrough]] 0.4 - 0.6 [[/strikethrough]] [[^ 0.3 - [[strikethrough]] .09 [[/strikethrough]] .10 ]] inch long & whitish [[^ hyaline]]  with curdy opaque gut-like markings breastbone indistinct.

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