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111) Several different kinds of caterpillars moving among the [[underline]] leaves [[/underline]] of[[underline]] S. brassic. [[/underline]] gall, not properly [[underline]]mining [[/underline]] in them. One very large one bores into the heart of S. [[underline]] Strobil. [[/underline]] gall (see p.109).


Several Anthocoris pseudochinche on S. [[underline]] strobil. [[/underline]] galls in my jar.


Found [[^ [[underline]] S. pomum [[/underline]] ]]in one [[^ willow leaf (S. cordata)]] gall the black chalcide? pupa & Anthonomus scutellatus Sch. [[^ In another Anthon larva + black chalcide]]. Apparently in different cells. One gall with two distinct holes bored to it [[^ & one Anthonomus only in it.]] One gall (bored) contained a Tenthred.  larva, pale greenish white, head pale brown with two large blackish eyes [[^ 6 legs [[underline]] not [[/underline]] impotent. Length .15 inch. [[^ Legs 6, 0, 12, 0, 2 ]]
A gall bored with one hole only contained 2 Anthonomus in separate cells separated by a thin partition. The black chalcide? pupa all [[^ but one]] suspended by a pale stout fibre [[underline]] by the tail [[/underline]] in the gall = larval spin. Anthon. larva IIIII; Anthon pupa II; Imagos about 12. [[^ 6 or 7]] galls not bored contain tenthred. larva; rest not opened. One gall 1 anthon. + 1 ditto larva. Gall [[^ fleshy like an apple but almost [[?]] very rarely kidney shaped on the underside of the leaf [[^ extending from midrib to edge]] & projecting but very slightly on the upper side, say [[strikethrough]] 1/6 or 1/4 [[/strikethrough]] of its volume. Occasionally almost 1/2 projects &[[strikethrough]] occasionally [[/strikethrough]] [[^ often]] the gall grows beyond edge of leaf & is almost spherical. Color [[^ greenish ]] yellow [[^ often]] with a rosy cheek like an apple [[^ especially on the upper suface ^& with dark white dots]] . Gall sometimes eaten into from the outside, so as to [[underline]] appear [[/underline]] bored [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] - contained Anthon pupa. [Eulophus attacks similar galls in Europe Westw.]

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One bored [[strikethrough]] & [[?]]  [[/strikethrough]] gall which had been vacated by the Anthon. Was tenanted by over 12 willow Aphis.


S. humilis {[[underline]] [[desimodroides?]] [[/underline]] } leaf gall. Differs in being not globular or oval [[^ & in being flatter & projecting more upper side[[image]] like one of the so called [[^ quarters of an orange [[strikethrough]] or a brazil nut [[/strikethrough]]. The inside edge of the quarter closely hugging the midrib of the leaf, but the outer surface not triangulated but rounded off. ]] [[image]] Often 2 galls on same leaf, either same side or opposite side of midrib. Not rosy. one leaf with 3 galls. Other gall (S. cordata) always solitary. Two galls (bored) contained Anthonomus _______? 3 or 4 not bored a Nematus larva, not differing from that of other gall.


S. cordata {viminalis} twig-gall. An oval or roundish swelling .3 - .5 inch long on [[^ the]] side of small twigs, green wherever smooth but [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] mostly covered [2 with longitud. cracks & [[^ irregular rough]] scales [1 like the skin of a melon] which are [[^ pale]] brown opaque. Its substance fleshy, like an apple, but with transverse internal fibres. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]] When ripe filled with [[^ reddish]] brown spongy matter, with [[^ close-set]] transverse internal fissures. On cutting down to the twig at any time, a large [[?]] slit about .2 inch long becomes plainly visible.


A Balaninus "S. pomum in company occasionally with a Nematus in fleshy willow-leaf galls" Westw. I. p. 342

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