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113) Aug 1. Saw what appeared a [[symbol for male]] [[underline]] Cecid. fulviventris [[underline]] in S. brassicoides jar. Lost it.


Found another "[[image vertical squiggle line]] S. [[underline]] [[^ siliqua]] [[underline]] ] rigida" gall on S. cordata, but the beak of the gall recurved [[image: of gall]] like the tongue case of Sphinx 5 maculata. Larva .06 inch long, bright opaque orange, with a ventral & dorsal polished semi-translucent broad orange vitta. 


[[NOTE: section defined with 2 parallel vertical squiggle lines]] "On the insects, Coleopterous, Lepidopterous & Dipterous, inhabiting the galls of certain species of willow; by B.D. Walsh n. A."

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Marmara (n.g. salictella or sp. Clemens mines twigs of yellow willow. Clemens. P.E.S.P II p.7

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114) Microlep. larva "without feet" Clemens P.E.S.P. # p.13.

Chlaenius pennsylvanicus differs from allied species (bicolor, etc.) by the rough & distinctly punctured  interstices of elytra, while the striae are only faintly punctured. Sec. Analyt. Table of Chlaenius p.27.


X Aug 8.9 Found at Coal Valley young cottonwoods with just such pseudogalls as those of Saperda inornata Say, containing legless larvae 1/2 - 3/4 inch long.


Took 3 or 4 Nisoniades Brizo at Coal Valley & saw many more, all smaller than Juvenalis & apparently distinct.


Took 5 sp. of a new [[underline]] Cordulia [[underlined]] & saw haunting the creek [[^ at Coal Valley]] either a Cordulegaster or a Gomphus (spinosus?) very wild & could not catch it.


Argynnis Bellona pretty abundant there. Took 3 or 4 for the first time this year at Rock Island.


Found [[underline]] Haltica alternata? [[underline]]  [[?]] & pale varieties flying abundantly in a patch of Salix humilis.

X Found leaves of a Salix  [[^ = S. semen]] (nigra from memory) covered [[^ all over]] with little irregular warts, similar to the "curl" on peach leaves [[^ as]] described by Harris. (Report Pomological Society p.4) Perhaps my S. aenigma a similar origin. No larvae in the warts, [[^ as also black knot on plums]] but noticed a larva of [[underline]] Anthocoris pseudochinche [[underline]] crawling on the 2 or 3 leaves brought home. This larva & imago too occur both on S. brassic. (very abundantly) on S. rhodoides & S. strob. more rarely.

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Transcription Notes:
This is James Brackenridge Clemens, American entymologist Proc of Entymol Soc of Philadel