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161) A [[strikethrough]] very[[/strikethrough]] similar but larger gall on wild cherry almost all now split open laterally, so as to show inside fuzzy like [[insertion]] ^ brown [[/insertion]] woollen cloth. A great many had broken off from the peduncle, [[strikethrough]] leav [[/strikethrough]] & gone. Of 22 [[insertion]] ^ slit [[/insertion]] open[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] carefully [[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] that had not burst open, one contained a chalcide pupa .05 long, & 21 were absolutely empty. Appears to be a second crop of these galls just springing up from same leaves. Is the insect double-brooded, the 2nd brood going underground for the winter? Otherwise how propagate?

  [[In middle of page is a table, as follows]]

 X Larvae of [[underline]] orygia [[/underline]] & [[underline]] Dasychira [[/underline]]
[[table has four rows, will enter data as Line 1, Col. 1, etc.]]

[[Col. 1 (untitled) and four additional column headings, as follow]]
[[Col. 2]] leucostigma [[Col. 3]] Willow D. [[Col. 4]] Thorn D. [[Col. 5]] Hickory D

[[Line 1, Untitled Col. 1]] joint 1
[[Line 1, Col. 2]] 2 black pencils
[[Line 1, Col. 3]] 2 black pencils
[[Line 1, Col. 4]] 2 bk. pencils
[[Line 1, Col. 5]] 2 [[bl.?]] pencils
[[Line 2, Col. 1]] joints 4-7
[[Line 2, Col. 2]] dorsal yellowish brush
[[Line 2, Col. 3]] dorsal whitish brush
[[Line 2, Col. 4]] dorsal black brush
[[Line 2, Col. 5]] dorsal black brush
[[Line 3, Col. 1]] joint 11
[[Line 3, Col. 2]] dorsal bk. pencil
[[Line 3, Col. 3]] dorsal bk. pencil
[[Line 3, Col. 4]] dorsal bk. pencil
[[Line 3, Col. 5]] dorsal black brush
[[Line 4, Col. 1]] joint 12
[[Line 4, Col. 2]] 0
[[Line 4, Col. 3]] less obvious & slenderer bk pencils (2)
[[Line 4, Col. 4]] 2 black pencils
[[Line 4, Col. 5]] 2 black pencils

[[end of table]]

[[NOTE: Or:]]

        leucostigm     Willow D	          Thorn D	     Hicory D
jt 1    2 black pencils  2 black pencils  2 black pencils    2 black pencils

joints  4-7	dorsal yellowish brush	dorsal whitish brush	dorsal black brush	dorsal black brush
joint 11	dorsal bk pencil	dorsal bk pencil	dorsal bk pencil	dorsal black brush
joint 12	           0	less obvious & slenderer bk pencils 2	2 black pencils	2 black pencils

[Compiled from pp. 108, 153 & 155. [[Leucostigma?]] from Morris [[underline]] Synopsis [[/underline]] ]
The 3 [[underline]] Dasychira [[/underline]] have probably all been confused under [[underline]] Achatina [[/underline]] Hubner, though they differ essentially in larva. [[underline]] Rossii [[/underline]] & [[strikethrough]] bl [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] basiflava [[/underline]] Packard don't agree, the former having hind wings yellowish & the latter the base of front wings So. Probably the 3 [[underline]] Dasychira [[/underline]] are Phytophagic species, differing in larva only. [[underline]] Orgyia [[/underline]] leucostigma varies so much in the markings of imago, that probably Willow D = Thorn D = Hickory D.

Sorry to disturb the self-satisfied repose of certain [[strikethrough]] entomologists [[/strikethrough]] lepidopterists who describe [[insertion]] ^ variable [[/insertion]] species from solitary specimens & have the most supreme contempt for larval & pupal characters; but science is science & her calls must be obeyed. [[strikethrough]] Though ] [[/strikethrough]] It is only in the field & the woods that we can arrive at a correct knowledge of specific

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distinctions. The closet-naturalist is at the mercy of any collector who [[insertion]] in [[insertion]] the case of [[/insertion]] variable species [[/insertion]] is mischievous or careless or dishonest enough to send him [[insertion]] ^ only [[insertion]] the two ends of the series [[strikethrough]] [[only]] [[/strikethrough]], retaining or suppressing the intermediate grades. Thus Dr. Harris made 5 species out of [[underline]] Tetrix ornate [[/underline]] Say & Fitch has made 3 species out of [[underline]] Athysanus variabilis [[/underline]] (Tettigon.) The closet-naturalist again, can know nothing of larval forms or the plants they feed on, & so long as two imagos agree in their characters, though the larvae may differ either structurally or colorationally or both, [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] he [[insertion]] dogmatically [[/insertion]] pronounces the two to be identical. Of the 3 states in which an insect exists, he knows only the third & judges & decides only from the third, which is just as irrational as if he were to cut off [[/insertion]] & throw away [[/insertion]] the wings & legs of an imago & judge & decide [[strikethrough]] specific [[/strikethrough]] questions of specific destinction from a consideration of [[strikethrough]] body [[/strikethrough]]  [[insertion]] its [[/insertion]] body alone.



N.B. Hairs of larvae of Arctia [[insertion]] ^ virginiana [[/insertion]]  [[underline]] Isabella [[/underline]] & [[underline]] parthenope[[/underline]] [[image]] under lens. Par [[underline]] Orgyia [[/underline]] more [[image: tiny sketch of insect leg hairs]] perpendicularly so.  How Halesidota? [Feathered also.]


July 26. Cut open one of the Willow [[Ciruben?]] cocoons.  Still in large & quite lively. [[insertion]] ^ [Oct. 10 all 3 larvae dead] [[/insertion]]


July 25  Larva of Thyreus Abbotii had gone underground yesterday, Cage No. 6


July 28. Gathered a green, fleshy, apple-like, subglobular terminal gall, imbricated outside with deformed leaves, from Silphium perfoliatum. Inside many cells containing Curculionidous larvae .1 inch long. [rotted & = 0]

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Transcription Notes:
I tried to communicate the contents of the table in the most logical fashion I could. I hope it is clear.