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165) [[underline]] Aug 6.[[/underline]] Bk Knot still as green as before most of them, though a few are dried & turned inside of a reddish brown. Noticed on the naked twigs becoming bk knot the [[underline]] Sphaeria morbosa [[/underline]] filaments [[insertion]] ^ not very [[/insertion]] thickly studded on bark [[/insertion]] ^ to [[/insertion]] some distance from it.


[[underline]] Aug 8.[[/underline]] The Ichneumonidae (bred [[Pelo?]] lunatus) & the similar species without antennal annulus & areolet, [[underline]] both[[/underline]] have nearly the peculiar smell of [[underline]] Bombus.[[/underline]]


Aug.10 Found Tetyra fimbriata Say on the back of a larva 1 inch long Papilio Asterias, which it
had sucked half dry.


As some believe that there are genera of printed calicoes as that genera have a real existence
in nature.

Mr.Gow informs me that at his home in western Penna. eight years ago Arhopalus robiniae (he knows the the insect) was [very] [[insertion]] not so very [[/insertion]] abundant & destroyed many [or most] locusts.
Returning there this year he found no sighns of its work & the locusts flourishing, many of them [[?]] trees much older than eight years. Hence the insect must migrate. 


Aug.15 bred Limenitis Disippus from pupa
found a fewdays ago on a grass-stalk.

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Aug.16. [[insertion]] Diplosis Asteris globulus [[/insertion]] On [[strikethrough]] Aster? [[/strikethrough]] Helianthi (same [[insertion]] plant [See p. 158] [[/insertion]] as supposed vernonia gall producing a [[underline]] Diplosis [[/underline]] -- see above [[/insertion]] ^ p. 158 [[/insertion]] ). A [[insertion]] ^ sub- [[/insertion]] globular [[/insertion]] ^ [[/strikethrough]] or oval [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] [[or irregularly oval, [[insertion]]  ^ smooth, [[/insertion]] green, solid, fleshy,  polythalamous gall .4 - [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 1.4 inch in [[/insertion]] ^ largest [[/insertion]] diameter, growing [[insertion]] ^ attached by about 1/4 of diameter [[/insertion]] often in bunches of [[strikethrough]] 1 or [[/strikethrough]] 2 - 6, some of them [[insertion]] ^ almost [[/insertion]] perfectly confluent, on the [[insertion]] ^ main [[/insertion]] stem.  Surface often partially covered with brown  roughness like that of a russeting apple [[insertion]] & occasionally cracked often at tip shallow
cracks [[/insertion]].
[[underline]] Pupa [[[/underline]] .18 long [[insertion]] ^ full 3 times as long as wide, [[/insertion]]  fulvous.  Antennal horns [[insertion]] ^ piceous, darker at tip [[/insertion]] 1/3 diameter of body [[/strikethrough]] cylindrical [[/strikethrough]] parallel & [[insertion]] a little tapering, rather robust [[/insertion]] contiguous basal [[strikethrough]] 1/3 [[/strikethrough]] 2/3, whence they diverge at about 30°. Dorsal abd. surface of all the jts. (except the two basal "bogus-abd" joints, [[strikethrough]] & the small anal joint [[/strikethrough]] 7 in number, with two transversely arranged [[strikethrough]] ment [[/strikethrough]] rows of blackish minute close-set thorns equidistant from each other & from sutures. Thoracic bristle very slender, 2/3 as long as ant. horns. Legs [[attaining/attaching?]] base of penult. abd. On the lower surface of head 2 robust conical thorns long [[superscript]] y [[/superscript]] arranged, the  last near the suture with thorax. No postantennal seta. 

Found a hairy white,chalcide larva in gall, 
.17 long; [[strikethrough]] also an elongate whitish [[/insertion]] ^ yellowish [[/insertion]] Syrphidon or tachnidous? larva, .1 inch long. Another (smaller) chalcid. hairy larva had [[insertion]] ^ abbre [[superscript v [[/superscript]][[/insertion]] interior blackish. 

[[underline]] Larva[[/ underline]] lives in cells [[strikethrough]] near [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ towards [[/insertion]] centre of gall. [[insertion]] very often 2 in 1 cell. [[/insertion]] [Another small chalk larva an [[underline]] external [[/underline]] feeder on cec. larva.] Largest seen .15 long, 4 times as long as wide, yellow [[strikethrough]] ish [[/strikethrough]] with the usual curdy-white markings. Head pointed, with a distinct black dot on dorsal surface. Breast-bone [[insertion]] ^ blackish [[/insertion]] clove-shaped, [[insertion]] ^ stem slender [[/insertion]] [[image]] with two [[insertion]] ^ robust [[/insertion]] terminal divergent [[insertion]] ^ at 45° [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] curved [[/strikethrough]] pointed horns, each 1/3 as long as whole b.b. Spiracles black & distinct. One pair on mesothorax & one on abd. jt except anal. No metathoracic one.  Often lies curved back concave, unlike all willow larvae. Jumps like a cheese-maggot, one under the lens was seen to jump [[underline]] abd. [[/underline]] concave by [[?ing]] head & tail together.

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