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171) On the same tree with above (road to B. [[?]] cave) occurred 13 galls scarcely distinguishable from S. Nomum except by having the same rough bursting nipples as the above. [[^ S. Nonum has them]] One or two of them, as well as preceding, were bored probably by anthon. scutellatus, & empty.


[[pencil]] Aug 26 - a curcul? [[underline]] hairy [[underline]] larva came out of hickory woody gall. about 19 long. & yellowish 


Q. fusus (beat off black oaks) ovate, length .40 - .83, diameter .30 - .60, generally pointed at tip [[image of oval with pointed ends]] like an ovate leaf, & attached at base by a [[strikethrough]] small [[strikethrough]] minute portion & apparently in bunches from the[[^ very]] pale ^ [[^ rather compressed]] base of most [like g. formosa Bassett] Color green, gradually paler towards base & except at base [[^ closely]] dotted with [[^ slightly]] elevated purple [[strikethrough]] papillae  [strikethrough]] dots. Punctured today most of them with 2 or 3 minute pin sized holes. One is not [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] pointed at tip, & almost entirely dull purple, dots still plainly visible. {Preserved.} Found one on a Red Oak Sep. 26 growing from terminal bud. added it.


Aug 25 Q. pilula (cecid. gall) just beginning to appear.


Aug 27 - [ The [[^ Q [[underline]] eruca [[underline]] 
swellings] along principal veins of black oak leaves common in spring & through the summer, contain now each 1 cecid. larva, whitish, .04 long, tip of head blackish & breast bone (a mere point) blackish.

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Examined 3 specimens.
[Found annexed gall on leaves of blade in [[underline]] [[?]] [[underline]] tinged with red [= C. q. modesta O.S. on Red oak?] oak in river-lot W. of A. B. Warren's lot, facing the river.]

[[underline]] Q. eruca. [[underline]] [[^ Differs from O.S. Q. erubescens [[strikethrough]] gall as not being [[?]] [[strikethrough]] ]] cecid. gall) [[^ on Q [[tructoria?]] An elongated, [[^ pale green]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] in pubescent but rather rugose swelling [[^ [[strikethrough]] sometimes on the edge of the leaf but far more generally [[strikethrough]] ]] along the midrib & principal veins, [[^ & attached to them for its entire length by about 2/3 its diameter]]looking [[^ somewhat]] like a green [[midlepedopterous?]] larva [[strikethrough]] attached to them[[strikethrough]], .20 - .35 long, & about .05 in diameter; internally hollow, thin with [[strikethrough]] thin [[strikethrough]] hard woody walls. Its general shape is cylindrical, tapered at each end, & it is [[^ generally]] constructed at irregular intervals by [[^ 2 or 3]] transverse veinlets proceeding from the vein to which it is attached. [[^ Usually one larva, sometimes 2 or 3 , no separate cells. 


Found about Aug. 20 [[underline]] Q. ficus [[underline]] [[^ pale]] green with pink cheek. Apparently recently grown. 
[Bassett scarcely ever gives [[underline]] dates [[/underline]] of breeding his n. sp.  Great defect:  [[therefore symbol]] others have to do his work over again.]]


X Aug 27. Aciculata all now in pupa state. Found 8 pupae & no larva. Found in [["pseudo?]] galls"]] Case's field 3 [[male symbol]]  4 [[female symbol]] Callimome (1 [[female symbol]] alive, rest dead) of q. [[spongifica?]]. Must have come out since 1st week in July. 


August 28. 88 spms.  Q. erinacei; 44 above, 44 beneath, on leaf.

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Transcription Notes:
There is so much writing on top of writing on this page, it is impossible to get an accurate transcription. Sometimes unclear which insertions refer to which lines.