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173) Aug 28. A specimen of q. ficus gathered today was brown & unbored. Another gathered about 18th or 20th was pale yellowish green with pink cheeks. 


Gall [[insertion]] q. [[underline]] plica [[/underline]] (on q. tinctoria) [[insertion]] similar to q. [[underline]] eruca [[/underline]] but on 
[[underline]] edge[[/underline]] of leaf (often same leaf with eruca) & containing an [[underline]] orange [[/underline]] larva [[insertion]] ^ .10 - [[/insertion]] .11 long, [[insertion]] ^4 times as long as wide [[/insertion]]  breast-bone fuscous [[insertion]] ^ sub [[/insertion]] round? & [[underline]] jumps [[/underline]] [[symbol for therefore]] a diplosis. [3 specimens] [[insertion]] or clove-shaped, stem of clove very slender? [[/insertion]]

Larva of [[underline]] q. eruca [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] milky [[/underline]] [[/strikethrough]] whitish, .04 inch long, 3 - 3 1/2 times as long as wide. Breast-bone subround. Does not jump, but rolls over sideways like larva of Aster leaf-galls. Found 11 similar [[insertion]] ^ but 1/2 longer [[/insertion]] larva in one of [[underline]] edge [[/underline]] galls. One larva inquilinous one [[pseu?]] The orange one, being the largest, [[?senidous]]; the pale one [underline] only [/underline] occurs 2 & 3 in a gall: iquilinous

But dry out 15 - 20 of the [[underline]] small [[/underline]] q. eruca larvae from galls on veins, none larger than .04 & none  orange or even yellowish. [[symbol for therefore]] two distinct species & the two white ones on [[underline]] edge [[/underline]] galls (= q. plica) inquilines only?


[q. patella] [[insertion]] = poculum o.s. [[/insertion]]  (oak-[[?]]) [[insertion]] (Cecid??) [[/insertion]] On white oak. A saucer-shaped, flattened gall on the lower side of leaves 2 - 15 together, the inner surface attached by a central very short peduncle to leaf, the outer surface a little hollowy with a central nipple & [[insertion]] ^ subobsolete [[/insertion]]  fibres radiating from it to the circumference like spokes of a wheel. Color generally pink, [[insertion]] ^ with centrally a plum like bloom [[/insertion]](3 leaves)

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on one leaf which [[strikeout]] may [[/strikeout]] [[insertion]] ^ appears to [[/insertion]] be a distinct species as the gall [[?]] cupped and the [[?]] [[?]] very [[?]] centrally pale green, [[enteriorly?]] dark green [[?]] with purple.  Could find no larva.


Aug 28. Found many Bruchus abbreviatus? Melsh on pods &c of Cassia Marylandica L./ determined by Dr. Parry.) [resembles Amorpha  fructicosa]

My [[underline]] asteris globulus [[/underline]] & [[underline]] ast. bulla [[/underline]] must be [[underline]] helianthi [[/underline]] blobulus &c. [[?]] Dr. Parry.


[[strikethrough]] The skin of larva of H. Harrisii is whitish (mature larva), the humps only blackish [[symbol]] tessellaris [[/strikethrough]]


Aug 30 Cedar fungus (old) unbored, except 2 in, which I found with plenty of frass a [[insertion]] ^ [[?]] [[/insertion]] larva (hairy) much like that of Bibio albipennis. Not tenthred. [[symbol for because]] sign?]] no lateral eye-spots. Not Lep [[symbol for because]] head [[underline]] not [[/underline]] [[image. looks like circle with Y drawn within]] Callimone? or Ichnum? 


On compressing abd, there are  [[?]] or [[?]] abd, there are "two small oval [[?]] [[?]]  (hairy or pubescant) at tip of oviduct in [[fmeale symbol]] asteris (= helianthi) globulus.


Aug 31 Of 3 Sphing.  bicolor in Cage No. 6 2 had gone under apparently. The other healthy. (see p 175)


The [[image]] shells found adhering to twigs of white oak beyond Dunlap's field contain now hundreds of minute, oval, white eggs, 2 - 2 1/2 tim[[?]]

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