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[[NOTE: Same page as digital page 134, without notepaper covering part of text.]]

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tinguishable, as happens so frequently both in Hymenoptera & Diptera & to a less degree in Coleoptera.   [[strikethrough]] [[ ] ]]  [[/strikethrough]] Just in the same way the closet conchologists have based their systematic distinctions almost exclusively upon the characters of the shell, neglecting or undervaluing the characters of the other parts of the animal; whereas if it had so happened that the shell of a mollusk was perishable & the other parts of its body easily preserved, instead of [[underline]] vice-versa, [[underline]] then I have no doubt, they wd have neglected & undervalues characters drawn from the shell & laid the chief stress on those drawn from the other parts of the body. [[/strikethrough]]


Sep 6.  Examined 22 D. 10 tineata on egg-plant. All had two stripes next sutural confluent behind, except 2 which on one elytrum only had them non-confluent.


[Constant characters in Ichn. & Ischnus

1. Shape of abdomen, whether ovate or subcylindrical but [[image of female symbol]] abd. more robust than [[image male symbol]] (rufiventris Br.) 
2. Color of wings, fuscous or hyaline. 
3. Annulation of antennae (but [[underline]] not [[/underline]] so in [[underline]] Ich. [[/underline]] near [[underline]] parvas [[/underline]]
4. Coloration of legs ( but  variable in [[underline]] Ich. grandiste [[/underline]]
5. If [[image of male symbol]] ant. are annulate, [[image of female symbol]] are so too. ([[symbol]] Bralli p.58

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In cage no. 6 a green cerura? larva, 1 1/2 inch long, two [[image]] in place of anal prolegs, a whitish narrow dorsal vitta, & oblique whitish lateral lines like a sphinx. [Sep. 12 had disappeared]


X Sep. 8 Found a q. erinacei full as smooth as a strawberry, between two normal ones on the same rib-vein, the 3 contiguous. [[insertion]] ^ greenish [[/insertion]] Whitish [[image - pentagon with lines extending from outside points]] like [[underline]] q. pilula [[/underline]] & a whitish hair from each [[image - pentagon]]

[Conducted my experiment carefully & conscientiously)


[[strikethrough]] Doryphora juncta [[image]] 10 - [[?cata]]

1st . bk spot (anterior) on middle of 6 thrips [[symbol]] on knees

2nd. Thor. spots [[symbol]]

[[Check mark]] 3rd. [[Gly?]] stripes bordered by ]][[underline]] regular [[/underline]] row of large punctures - [[image]] irregularly double or treble rows.
[[Check mark]] 4th. 2 [[underline]] submarginal [[/underline]] stripes confluent behind [[symbol]] 2 [[subsatural?]] stripes



X Sept 17 many Cynipidous
 pupae now in q. podagrae, evidently, from 2nd abd. shortish, not synergus. are they next April [[image of female symbol]] c. q. podagrae? 2 examined were [[image two female symbols]]


Sept 18. Found a dead 1 1/2 inch Dryocampa on floor outside cage: must be an escaped bicolor. Horns on 2 very plain.

Sept 24 Bred Con. nenuphar from Black Knot. 

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