Viewing page 138 of 193

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180) Oct 15. Opened (16) spongifica from Case's field
[[7 tally marks]] empty
[[3 tally marks]] bunch of chalcidides
[[5 tally marks]] * aciculata (living)
[[1 tally mark]] larva dried up (sponge eaten all away)


Necrophorus corner (4)
[[3 talley marks]] + aciculata (living)
[[1 talley mark]] empty (cell eaten away)


Slaughter-house (5) (1 of them "Callimome July 5".  
[[1 tally mark]] empty
[[3 tally marks]] bunch of Chalcid.
[[1 tally mark]] no cell, (small & thin)


All my [[strikethrough]] [[sph?]] [[/strikethrough]] Dryocampa bicolor had escaped: nothing to bury but Nessus? 


* Oct. 16. Placed these on an isolated black oak (on the trunk) close to Jones's North place, a few [[panels?]] from NE corner. 

+ Oct. 16. Placed them on isolated Bl. oak at the SW corner of the bunch of Ditto farthest north from the sycamore N.W. of old graveyard. 

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Oct. 21. Dug out from galls 22 aciculata, all very lively. On the N.W. black oak in the clump of trees in the NE corner of Jones's field placed on the trunk 9 specimens. Day very warm & still. [[image]] Picked up one [[strikethrough]] empty [[/strikethrough]] barren spongifica gall under the SE tree but saw no others there. 

On the black oak (formerly mistaken for Red Oak & bearing supposed [[underline]] c.q. punctata [[/underline]] gall) South of the E end of the Brasier Lane placed on the trunk 10 specimens & on the East overhanging bough 3. 


X Oct. 31. The Decatoma? (spotted wasps) seem to have quit coming out from [[underline]] q. Podagrae  [[/underline]].  Up to yesterday more or less every day. [[insertion]]  Nov 13 2 more.  [Nov 10 2 more in warm room came out] [[/insertion]]


Nov. 5 Cut open one [[pseudo?]]. gall from tree in Case's field inoculated with aciculata. Contained on [[underline]] living [[/underline]] larva, evidently cynipidous. 


✓ Out of 21 remaining spongif. galls 4 [[underline]] acic. [[/underline]] had come out, all lively. Dug out of the rest 3 lively acic. + 1 callimome (living?) [[insertion]] [[image of female symbol]] [[/insertion]] pupa. Placed the 7 on (Day sunny, [[insertion]] ^ still [[/insertion]] & pleasant but nights now frosty;) wind NW & moderate) A, one of a group of 4 in Davenports Pasture field on brow of hill NW of Pump. Three put on N boughs, 2 on trunk & 2 fell on grass under N. boughs. [[image lower right-hand corner: map: four dots, topmost labelled "a tree:

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Transcription Notes:
Image mentioned on page 181 unidentifiable.