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March or April )
Cerambycidous larva in heartwood of white oak near sapwood, has spiracle mesothoracic & prothoracic fold closely united with prothoracic beneath. March 29, 1866


Apr. 8. 1866. New Cedar fungus now nearly full grown. Surface with [[image - circle]] depressions, often with a central (aureole or) very flat nipple.


X Bred 5 [[underlined]] [[female symbol]] [[/underlined]] q. podagrae, from galls in warm room through winter

Apr. 12 bred 2 [[female symbol]] ---- (all 7 black abdomen)

-- 15 ---  9 [[female symbol]]   ---- (all 9 ------------ )

-- 18 ---  17 [[female symbol]]  ---- (all 15 ------------)
 (also 2 [[female symbol]] rhoditiformis)

Apr. 19  8 [[female symbol]] (+2 rhod. 1 [[male symbol]] 1 [[female symbol]])                     (all 8 ------------)

-- 20 [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 1 [[female symbol]]                               (1 ----------------)

-- 22 2 [[symbol for female]]          (both -----)   
     44 [[strikethrough]] 39 [[/strikethrough]] in all    

-- 23 4 [[female symbol]]              (all 4 ------------)

-- 24 0 (4 rhodit?)

-- 25 0 ( ---------)

-- 26 0 (5 -------)

---28 1 [[female symbol]] ---------    (abd. black

X {Preserved alive for 4 days 4 [[female symbol]] with red abdomens from [[underline]] new [[/underline]] lot of galls. Abdomen still as red as ever.

[[end page]]

[[start page]]


Chic. Republican April 17? 66

X  Apr. 18 Q. Podagrae galls gathered about April 1st. Bred 34 [[symbol for female]], 12 with abd. decidedly rufous, rufo-piceous or rufus base of segments, others partly so. Kept 4 alive in vial. See p. 184X.

April 19 Bred 190 [[symbol for female]], many abd. rufous or subrufous.

- 20 about 100 taken to field (not closely examined but apparently all [[symbol for female]]

+ 114 [[symbol for female]] examined (many with rufous abdomen)

Apr. 22 About 175 - 200 [[symbol for female]] [[symbol for female]] (?) taken to field, but apparently all [[symbol for female]].

April 23  53 [[symbol for female]] (early in morning) about 1/3 abd. more or less red).

-- 24 35 [[symbol for female]] ------   -------

-- 25 14 [[symbol for female]] ------   34

-- 26  6 [[symbol for female]]          190

-- 28  6 [[symbol for female]] ------   114

X Apr 20. Opened 1 pseudotinctoriae gall from Cases' field, that lay on table through winter.  Larva plump & [[underline]] apparently [[/underline]] alive.             

X April 20. Placed about 50 [[symbol for female]] q.[[underline]] podagrae [[/underline]] on East bough of supposed "q. punctata" Black oak on Bluff. Also about 20 on East bough of another Bl Oak [[underline]] 45 [[/underline]] yds. south, & west of road. Also on both a few on trunk. [No galls came


O Apr. 22 In a querc. erinacei (unbored & 3 cells) found 1 large Cynip. pupa, abd. with many joints, [[symbol for therefore]] not Synergis &c? Other 2 cells cynip. larvae.

[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
Appears to be copy of an earlier entry. Very light writing. Here the newspaper clipping has been separated, but still date referring to article that was attached in previous entry. Column on right-hand side of p. 185 34, 190, 114, 53, 35, line over 26