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X Apr.22 Placed about 100 [[female symbol]] Cynips q. podagrae on a smallish Black Oak, bifid near the base, South of the riverside road beyond Paper mill; 2nd tree beyond the 1st. lawn & about 50 yds. W. of a larger Thorn on the sand-beach.

Also about 70 or 80 [[female symbol]] on another Bk Oak trifid near base S. of same road & opposite the 2nd Sycamore on the sand-beach. 


✓ Apr. 24 Opened 8 last year C.q {singularis, nubilipennis galls. 6 were empty or = 0; 1 a dead Callimome; 1 a plump & healthy looking cynipidous larva, which I wrapped in a piece of paper + replaced in the bottle. 


X Apr. 27 Nematus s. pisum came out. Out of about 50 galls all but 3 plump & a few shrivelled ones bored, empty + full of frass [[insertion]] ^ nothing but a shell as thin as paper remaining [[symbol]] S. pomum [[/insertion]] [[symbol for therefore]] Larva went under sand bottom of jar.


0 Cut open one [[underline]] q.prunus [[/underline]] gall of those that contained larvae last fall. Larva still there & [[underline]] apparently [[/underline]] alive, but cut it in opening gall.


Noticed in the Rabbit [[underline]] Cuterebra [[/underline]] jar a large round hole bored thro the sand to the surface. Insect preparing to come out. Another hole Apr. 30


Dug up in Garden 2 Areoda lanigera


New Cedar [[strikethrough]] gall [[/strikethrough]] fungus have now put forth their filaments, which are covered with ferruginous dust = spores [[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] are about 1/8 inch long, & 5 times as long as wide, cylindrical but slightly tapered.

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May 8. Thyreus Abbottii [[male symbol]] came out from larva supposed to be that of [[underline]] Nessus. [[/underline]] specimen larva in alcohol.


May 10. Bred [[underline]] Leptis thoracica [[/underline]] from white larva found in garden-mould (preserved one in alcohol). Eleven-jointed, anus truncate [[symbol similar to Greek Sigma]] (profile) [[symbol like uppercase "W"]] (above)
Head much as in [[underline]] Tabanus. [[/underline]]

N.Y. Trib. May 8, '66
[[newspaper clipping pasted in:]]

"Will Rabbits Eat Flesh? -- A FARMER'S BOY, who writes from Cornwall, Vt., says rabbits will eat lean flesh greedily and sometimes they will eat fat, which is generally fatal to them. Hence greasing trees prevents rabbits from gnawing them. The best preventive, however, in a country where white birch abounds, is to roll strips of birch-bark around the apple-trees in Autumn. It should be removed in Spring and laid away for future use. This bark is a complete shield against mice or rabbits, as no animals will eat it." [[end clipping]] 


May 11. Elm [[underline]] Tomicus? [[/underline]] [[insertion [Magdalinus] [[/insertion]] (from Leas) now in pupa state. In larva all a few weeks ago.


May 15. New cedar fungus have now filaments 1/2 inch long, ferruginous, 7 or 8 times as long as wide & somewhat tapered. Some had now fallen off, leaving depressed round scars.


May 16. Sent Clemeus  No. 1 [[strikethrough]] Hedge [[/strikethrough]] Cook's (Miss)  Tineide & pupa & cocoon. No. 2 [[underline]] Hedya [[/underline]] -- (bred Bk Knot - 1 remaining) No. 3 Ditto, 2 remaining. No. 4 H. Sanborni No. 5 Captured [[image]] [[?]]. 3 palpi [[???]] specimens in store-box


May 17 Sal. desmodiodes now [[insertion]] ^ about [[/insertion]] full size & [[insertion]] ^ mostly [[/insertion]] pink-cheeked. 


Found {2 Cicindela 6-punctata under bark. [[insertion]] May 20 found another [[insertion]] 


Found on naked [[strikethrough]] bark [[/strikethrough]] sapwood of cherry, [[insertion]] ^ a [[insertion]] white larva, had a [[insertion]]^  black [[/insertion]] & black [[image]] 1st j 1 large sg. [[insertion]] ^ black [[/insertion]]  spot, 2nd. 2, 3rd 2 smaller, 12 tip black & 2 black prongs [threw away]


Larva of [[underline]] Micropteryx [[/underline]] (a Lepid. [[insertion]] ^ leaf [[/insertion]] miner) is entirely apod. Ent. Annual 62 p. 123. Also pupa is [[underline]] not [[/underline]] obtected. Ditto 1863. fig 8 & 8* &c. 

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Transcription Notes:
Unsure whether he is using older forms of "s", "f", "g", "q" - so my transcriptions may get better as I become more familiar with his style.