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117) From [[start underline]] S. aenigma [[end underline]]galls recently gathered (5 or 6 days ago) came out about 12 Cecidomyious larvae .05 inch long & rather elongate & head more elongate & pointed than usual. Breastbone? [[image]] so far as distinguishable. May [[underlined]] be inguilinous. Distinct very from larva of fulviventris [[underlined]]. Found one inside[[underlined]] the gall.
Aug 20 Found on Salix longifolia, projecting from a gall brassicoides, a sprig with 2 of the leaves of it so "curled" as to strongly resemble at 1st sight [[underline next]] S. aenigma [[end underline]]. Dried them.
Stung again by [Anomalon flavicorne Say ^ophron Morio^]
Aug 1 - 15 the time for Catocala at Chippiannock 
Aug 22. Great numbers of [[underline next]] Cec. {fulviventris ^albofasciata^} [[end underline]] continue to come out from S. strobil.
Had noticed much [[?]] from C-q-prunus galls. Today a 10-footed Lepid. larva came out .4 inch long, ^sparsely^ hairy, dirty ^greenish^ white, 1st thor. & anal segments blackish, 1st thor. [[image]] only behind. Other segments [[image]] with eight darker spots. Head testaceo-rufous.
Bred a small black [Anthonomus?] ^apion^ from [[underline next]] S. strobil.[[end underline]]
[Anomalon flavicorne ^ophron Morio^] is not [[underlined]] monotrematous, but Pelecinus [[symbol for female]] seems to be so.
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Noticed a mass of Aphides on a twig of Salix cordata enclosed in a gall-like envelope by ants, apparently formed of cow-dung like fibres, not of earth [[underlined]] certainly. Inside were aphides & numerous ants.
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Lepid larva in [[underline next]] Sal. pomum [[end underline]]. Length .2 inch. Whitish opaque [[image]] brown shining 1st jt. behind head, 2nd [[image]] an interrupted opaque brown band on ant. edge, 3-12, ditto  uninterrupted, 11 with also a terminal band. Head yellowish. Legs & [[?]] immaculate whitish, a few short whitish hairs on body. Spins a thread, wriggles much, & walks backwards easily.
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Aug 24. ^1^ Anthon {scutellatus ^sycophanta Walsh^} came out of [[underline next]] S. pomum [[end underline]]
Aug 25 Found a lepid larva (Gelechia gilla genitella?) just under rind of q. spongifica gall in the [[?]]. Length .16 inch, whitish, 1st segment behind head ^obsemicircularly horny & ^ as well as head yellowish. A dorsal & two lateral rows of irregular sanguineous spots on body. A few whitish hairs on body. Legs pale dusky.
[[underline next]]Cecidomyia {sanguiniventris [[end underline]] ^fulviventris?? albofasciata}, bred from s. brassic.
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