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119) ^No 2^ Glass-[[?]] cage.
Gone under-ground
X 1 Ceratomia quadricornis
X 1 Sphingicampa distigma
X in willow - ^in larva^ sphingide - a lateral & also oblique subab. yellowish streaks; 2 rows of lat. purple spots, lower one on spiracles a lateral purple stripe on head.
2 green & c larvae - ([[?]] up)
2 larvae like Acronycta oblinita 1 1/2 - 2 in long, pretty robust. See p. 131
2 larvae of Limenitis [[strike ?]] diseppus (1 came out) (two greenish ^or brownish^ prickly horns behind head fashion of Dryocampa) in pupa
A dozen or more 20-footed Tenthred. larvae feeding on leaves ^black leaf willow^. Black with a round yellow spot (lateral) on jts. 2-11. About 3/4 inch long. Legs 6 + 0 + 12 +0 + 2. Also some volunteers off Salix negra [No pupa or cocoons from them]
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No 1 Oak (wire) cage
[1 Dryocampa larva (p.123)] Shifted to 3 [Lost]
X 1 __________________ p. 126 stigma
X 1 __________________ seratona
2 sphingide [shifted to No 3]
1 Limacodes scapha? [lost]
Sep 2 X 5 Larvae dryocampa stigma

No 3 Oak - 3 or 4 sphingide larvae [one pupa only]

No 6 Cabbage - see p. -
Tenthred. larvae 3/4 inch long on Dogwood. [No pupa or cocoons from them]
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