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121) Aug 26. On cabbages [agrees with characters of Euclidia Westw. II p.395]
1) A ^slender^ pale green larva, ^came out Plusia cota Sep-1^ 1 1/4 inch long with ^numerous^ more or less distinct whitish longitudinal lines & often a broader lateral one: 12 legs, 2 anal, 0+0, 2 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + legs. Tapers from middle of body to head. Numerous, very restless. 8 or 10 specimens. Spun a loose cocoon under the leaves of the cabbage.
2) A nymphalide, prickles (1 spec) suspended by tail 
3) An {arctian rolls up} ^variety of Arctia virginica?^ with longish hairs 1 1/4 long, hairs black ^body^ yellow a broad fuscous stripe each side of dorsum leaving only a narrow central yellow line, two transverse lateral red warts on each side of each segment before & behind which some small black freckles. Head black with a narrow white vitta & mouth white. 16 footed. About 3 spm. [Sep 2 hairs had got coal-black & very dense]
4) A Noctuide? ^1 1/4 inch long, very robust & eats heart [[underlined]] of cabbage^ broad velvety black dorsal stripe, then a narrow yellow vitta, then a similar black vitta dotted & spotted with 3 or 4 series of ^longitudinally^ confluent yellow dots, then a yellow line, then black with yellow & white freckles & dots, head black with [[image? or ink blot?]] white fork. Variable, when large & small. 3 or 4 specm. -- very robust, when large, less so when small.
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5) A dull-green 16 footed noctuide? ^moderately robust^ 1-inch long, head green. A dark ^abbreviated^ [[image]] on each side of dorsum of each segment & a similar one above spiracle ^or place of spiracle^ beneath which a ^brownish white^ [[strike: very pale brown]] longt. stripe whole length of body. Another without the dark streaks, or subobsolete. Variety? Some quite small, & differing. Maybe P. Protodice.
6). Common white Arctia Virginica.

Aug 26. [[Underline next] Salicis verruca [[end underline]] gall. On S. humilis an irregularly spherical ^smooth^ greenish-yellow gall, 1/2 projecting from each side of leaf, on midrib ^or^ on some of principal veins. Upper side flattish or with a minute point or nipple, lower side branching out into a ragged wart-like excrescence. Substance rather woody ^with central cell^ 1-12 on a leaf. Often several confluent, but internal cells separated by a thin partition. Larva orange, ^.07 inch long^ breast-bone sub-round, small, indistinct.
Aug 27. Noticed a blackish microlep larva on [[underline next]] S. aenigma [[end underline]].
Larva of c.s. gnaphalioides [[underlined]] now .06-.07 inch long, yellowish^-orange^ with dominant white gut-like markings -- breastbone ^indistinct^.
Why are Tipulides [[underlined]] of large size & the closely allied Cecidomyiades of small size, if no genetic connection?
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