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Aug 28 {Dryocampa [[^ bicolor Harris? ]] larva — oak — [[^ (just moulted) ]] 1.20 inch long. Head greenish yellow. Body pale greenish brown [[^ very ]] thickly covered [[^ or frosted over]] with [[^ small]] whitish granulations. Each side an obscurely-defined [[^ bright or rather dull]] sanguineous stripe above the spiracles, which are black mirrored by yellowish, and another beneath them [[strikethrough]] interrupted at the sutures [[/strikethrough]]. [[?]] transversely placed black ^ [[ humps]] [[strikethrough]] dots [[/strikethrough]] 1st segment behind head [[^  & beneath a black spine (lateral) ]]; 2nd jt with two long [[^ slender ]] recurved [[^ smooth]] black horns directed forward .2 inch long [[^ [hind [[image]] front] with a few white granules on their lower half [[^ & 2 lateral black thorns]] [[strikethrough]] other [[/strikethrough]] jts [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] except 12 [[/strikethrough]] [[ 3 - 5 & 10 [[strikethrough]] - 11 [[/strikethrough]] with [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 6 short black thorns .03 - 05 inch long, two between the [[^ dorsal]] sanguineous stripes, & 1 [[^(lateral)]] beneath each [[strikethrough]] lateral [[/strikethrough]] stripe all transversely [[^ & medially]] arranged, [[^ & sometimes with a white basal granule or two) ]]. Anal jt. greenish yellow [[^ joints 6 - 9 [[^ - 11]] ]] with only 1 lateral thorn]]. Legs greenish yellow, proleg [[^ with black patch [[?]] & venter pale greenish brown.  [Different from stigma and a yellowish anal hair close together & directed backwards, [[?]] bl. tips as described by Fitch & from Abbott by Harris;] 
[[strikethrough]] [[image]] [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] may [[/underline]] [[^ cannot]] be [[underline]] pellucida [[/underline]]as described by Harris & Fitch [[^ p. 45xx]] shifted to cage No. 3; no other Dryocampas.  
[[underline]] Lepid. larva [[/underline]] [[^ [came out 6 or 7] ]] Burrowing in singular [[^ fleshy ]] [[image]] smooth brown-black [[strikethrough]] galls [[/strikethrough]] [[^ fungi powdered with pale brown, subspherical & irregular or [[strikethrough]] burnt [[/underline]] [[^ scorched ]] sycamore maples & elms on R.R. bank.  Internal structure of these [[strikethrough galls [[/underline]] [[^ fungi]]  [[image]] like a hornet's nest.  Length [[^ of larva]] .8 - .9 inch.  Very pale greenish fuscous.  Head & 1st jt. black shining, latter with pale longt. dorsal line.  Spiracles black. Each jt. with a dark dot above & below the spiracle, & 2 dorsal ones (6 in all) all trans-

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versely arranged, & another pair rather wider apart behind the two dorsal ones [[image]] venter on each side also with two transverse dots above the legs or prolegs, & where none with 6. Anal jut. with [[^ large]] black shiny transversely oval [[^ dorsal]] spot and penult. with a smaller one between the 2 hinder dots.  From each dot proceeds a long pale fuscous hair. Spins a thread, wriggles much, & walks rapidly backwards more than forewards.  Spins a loose cocoon. [[^ Moth ( [[symbol for male]] not [[symbol for female]]?) has bunch of hairs under subcostal of front wing ]] Sometimes burrows in the wood, leaving the gall.


Found most q. pitulae galls solid, no cell or larva.  In one found cells & a short squat larva with large horny head, probably rhynchophorous. 1/2 as long again as broad & about .05 inch long.  Others much smaller.  Whitish, stomach above largely blackish, [[^ in another specimen yellow ]] [[image]] beneath not at all. [2 In another cell of same gall found 2 yellowish larvae, probably cecidomyious. [1 Tips of mandibles black, mandibles moved very distinctly].  


Noticed galls of a very similar structure but rougher & more wart-like on [[underline]] upper [[/underline]] surface mostly or almost entirely of betula (black birch) leaves, not much bigger than head of large pin & similarly often confluent.  Also similar but still more densely confluent & rougher & more ragged galls on upper surface of Cephalanthus leaves.  Whole bushes covered with them.  Single galls about = head large pin. 


Similar small pin-head-sized ragged galls mostly on upper surface of leaf of Salix nigra [[^ = [[underline]] s. semen [[/underline]] p.120. ]] In non of these 3 last could I find larvae.  Small. Some of them on willow were burst open at top like q. [[underline]] pilulea. [[/underline]] -- It does not follow because the galls are so small, that therefore their cecidomyiae [[?]] be abnormally small.  C.S. rhodoides & c.s. gnaphalioides = size; yet galls very unequal.

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