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125) [[underline]] Salicis [[^ nodus]] ramuli. [[/underline]] On s. longifolia. Tree 6 inches thro at butt, (& on some small ones) opposite Bass Creek.
A mere swelling of a twig from .10 to 1/4 inch in diameter [[image drawing of a twig section wider in the middle ]] about an inch long or so [[^ & pithy inside.]] Inside a 20 [[image]] footed pale [[^ greenish white]] Tenthredinidous 
larva about .15 inch long [[^ mouth dark &]] with dark eyes as usual.
In one gall on a twig 1/4 inch in diameter noticed a streak brown outside & 2 1/2 inches long by 1/8 wide, perforated with pin-holes in irregular quincunxe [[image of grouped dots]]. Each hole pointed a little upwards from the inside, & in each was a (cicada ?) egg, cylindrical perfectly, rounded at each end, [[^ shining]] greenish - subhyaline, .13 inch long & 6 [[^ - 7]] times as long as wide. The [[strikethrough]] outer & up [[/strikethrough]] end that lay
outwards was whitish opaque for [[strikethrough]] 1/6 or [[/strikethrough]] 1/7 [[^ - 1/8]] of the length of the egg. Not straight but curved in a circular arc of about 25°. Preserved 4, & placed 1/2 the twig in a quinine bottle
Several [[underline]] S. ramuli [[/underline]] were bored & in one I found Anthon. scutellatus [[^ yes]]. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] spec. [[?]] preserved. The others were empty.


Aug. 29. From [[underline]] s. pomum [[/underline]] another anth. scutellatus came out.
X The [[^ [opposite] ]] dorsal band being broad & of a [[^ much]]darker subfuscous tawny or orange - color, with a narrow lateral band of the same color

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[[underline]] Salicis semen. [[/underline]] Salix nigra. Subspherical hollow greenish yellow galls .04 inch - .02 in diameter, 2 or more often confluent. Mostly on upper side of leaf, with a corresponding circular depression on the lower in the middle of which is a flattish [[strikethrough]]  rounded [[/strikethrough]] hemisphere. Often but not always, with a pointed nipple above. Today many are burst open at top. In one cell of a double one found a minute large-headed larva with a back [[image]] (see p.124), rhynchophorous. [[^ Very ]] many cells when opened, contained nothing, yet not bored. Have noticed a few such galls (2 leaves, dried) in S. longifolia, & [[underline]] I think [[/underline]] many on R.R. [[underline]] S. [[^ discolor]] cordata [[/underline]] leaves.


Aug 30 {Tenthred. [[^ [[underline]] S. viminalis [[[/underline]] ]] larva in twig-gall of S. cordata now about [[^ .10 -]] .12 inch long. Uses its [[underline]] legs [[/underline]] well. [[image]]Imbedded in the slit at base of gall. Pale [[^ yellowish]] with [[^[very]] pale fuscous head. [[strikethrough]] Most [[/strikethrough]] Many galls apparently not yet hatched.
On placing side by side six of these larvae with 6 from twig-gall of S. humilis, the latter are all decidedly pale [[underline]  greenish [[/underline]], not [[underline]] yellowish [[/underline]], whence I infer them a distinct species. These also use their legs. Eyes in all distinct, large, blackish. No other difference apparent. Tips of [[strikethrough]] mouth [[/strikethrough]] mandibles blackish.
Today had a Litargus (Mycetoph.) from [[underline]] S. aenigma [[/underline]] Yesterday an Apion from [[underline]] S. strobil. [[underline]]


A Dryocampa larva found today agrees with Fitch's description of Stigma [[^ * [opposite] ]] & has a white annulus near the tip of its [[?]] & a white fork tipped with black from the side of the two [[?]] ones & [[^ of]] the lowest lateral (6 in a row) long horns [[underline]] not recurved.[[/underline]] Black spots on 1st segment, mixed with white granules. Penultimate [[image]] 1 long medial [[?]] & several others

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