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In [[underline]] s. pomum [[/underline]] jar, a much larger Lepid. larva greenish with [[^ many (5, 6 or 7)]] linear dark vittae; about .3 long


[[strikethrough]] Sep. 1. [[/strikethrough]] Aug. 31. I mistook in saying the pencils of Antiphola are on the [[strikethrough]] [[?]] //strikethrough]] 1st & 2nd seg. instead of 2nd & 3rd as in tessellaris [[Check mark]] { They are on 2nd & 3rd. I have a larva found on oak with the pencils [[underline]] all [[/underline]] white, the ends incurved as if apparently fresh moulted, or unhealthy. [[^ Sept. 1st normal, except hind pencils white & front one scarcely black & head rufous. See p.130]]  [figure of lophocampa caryae in Harris [[?]] [[?]] disagrees with his desc. [[?]] 
I have noticed specimens of [underline]] Datana ministra [[/underline]] on oak [[underline]] without [[/underline]] the yellow spot behind the head, but [[underline]] with [[/underline]] the pale vittae. & similar ones on hickory.


Aug. 31 Cec. [[underline]] 3-fasciata [[/underline]] [[symbol for female]] (recent) eyes coal-black.  Body pale luteous. A spot [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] [[^ above]] the origin of each wing, tip of scutel, [[conae?] ]] a terminal dorsal spot on abd. jts 1 - 5 medial spot on abd jts 1 - 6 [[^ scarcely interrupted at sutures]] pale fuscous. [[^ spot external on & a [[^ larger]] lateral]] Femora pale fuscous above & below with a white basal annulus, tib. white with a pale fuscous annulus at base & tip.  1st tarsal jt base & tip of 2nd & 3rd [[^ & 4th & whole of 5th] pale fuscous, the rest white. Wings with an 
[[strikethrough]] subbasal [[/strikethrough]] [[^ irregular]] pale f. fascia [[^ 1/3 of way to tip]] enclosing a [[^ large]] [[image]] hyaline spot on {[[^ interior]] anal edge, another a little over 2/3 of way to tip enclosing a [[^ large]] hyaline spot on costa, another on the disk & another on the interior edge, & another narrower terminal one subinterrupted in the middle.


Cec. [[strikethrough]] pallida [[/strikethrough]] [[^ [[underline]] subflavescens [[/underline]] ]] [[underline]] (q.?) [[/underline]] recent.  All yellowish but eyes coal black.  Tips of tarsi & sometimes [[^ nearly]] whole of ant. tarsi tinged with fuscous.
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2 [[symbol for male]] came out Sep.1: cut one gall, & central cell stuffed full of castings, leading to the external hole.  No other cell to be found. ]][[underline] Synergis n. sp. [[/underline]] [[symbol for male]] came out from [[underline]] q. prunus [[/underline]] today. Traced in a bored gall the hole to the central nucleus, which was full of brown powder [[underline]] only [[/underline]]. Therefore, if inquiline, must kill psenide & take its place, as I believe does [[^ to c.]] q. globulus. [[strikethrough]] q [[/strikethrough]] c. oneratus from [[?]] finding but [[underline]] one [[/underline]] cell in [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] gall.


[[check mark]] Placed one [[^ nearly]] full grown & 2 half-grown larvae of Halesidota tessellata on oak [[^ in No.3]]. They did not all, when captured, have two pair of orange pencils in front. Some none? Lost? Another (captured) either lost or placed in No.4


Sep.1 - proteella (1) came out s. brassic. & another Aug.31


Placed in cage No.4(sycamore leaves) 4 larvae of [[^ H.]] Antiphola, [[vig?]]. 1 whitish [[^ dusky]] nearly full grown from oak, 1 yellowish brown nearly full grown from elm (or possibly from oak) & 2 whitish half grown from oak.  Not in very good order, being mussed up & wet. 
(The whitish antiphola larva in No.1; see p.127) next morning two large larvae [[strikethrough]] [[alike?]] [[/strikethrough]] alive & healthy but off leaves. One & perhaps both small ones dead, where first placed.

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