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[Sep. 2?]
Psocus rufus? bred from [[underline]] S. brassic. [[/underline]].  Took 5 Dryocampa stigma, [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 1 Dryoc. bicolor. latter placed in Cage No. 3

{In [[underline]] stigma [[/underline]] white granules are mostly arranged in a transverse row on each segment. [[symbol]] [[underline]] bicolor [[/underline]]}

The crookedness of the horns in [[underline]] bicolor [[/underline]] is not destructive : some [[underline]] stigma [/underline]]have them similarly bowed. But in both my [[underline]] bicolor [[/underline]] the body is [[underline]] very much more [[/underline]] covered with white granules, so as to appear hoary, & the prickles are [[underline]] not [[/underline]] forked as in the stigma. The arrangement & number of prickles same in both sp. In senatoria [[^ besides]]  the [[strikethrough]] subterminal [[/strikethrough]] [[^ normal ]]rows of thorns on anal segment [[strikethrough]] =6 [[^ small ones]]  not 2 & the terminal row = 4 not 2, [[/strikethrough]],  the exterior edge of [[^ its]] upper surface is thorned laterally with unequal [[^ sized 2n & 5 long]] thorns [[image]]


Placed in cage 4 [[^ (sycamore)]], 3 Antiphola larvae, 2 dirty whitish fuscous, 3/4 grown, & 1 [[strikethrough]] 1/2 [[/strikethrough]] half grown bright yellow, pencils normal.  From oak. Another (brownish) stray one [[^ put in No. 4 Sep.3)]]


Until Sep. 1 I had had some oak galls (q. pisum) in [[underline]] s. pomum [[underline]] jar; so that insects marked as "s.pomum" [[underline]] may [[/underline]] be from them. Think not.


Sept. 4 Shifted cage No. 3 [[^ (oak leaves)]] (p. 128 [[check mark]])  Larvae scarcely grown, but had [[underline]] all 3 [[/underline]] become a dirty white like Antiphola: heads still rufous & pencils (what remained of them) orange.  The large one vigorous, the two small ones very dull. The two [[underline]] Dryoc. bicolor [[/underline]] all right, the 1st one scarcely grown; but I had carelessly put in this cage the D. stigma with left horn broken. Shifted him to No.1.

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Shifted cage No. 4 (sycamore) from this cage (leaky) other larvae notodontide? had been daily escaping) ought to have contained 5 or 6 Antiphola larvae. Found only

    1st dirty white, half grown, seedy with one black pencil only in front & one behind. Head black.
    2nd dirty white, half grown. Had just moulted skin by it. Perfect pencils, & normal. Brownish along the back.

    3rd dirty white, dead, half-grown. 

Added this dry the antiphola larva from No.1 

= p. 127 [[check mark]]. Today it was gamboge-yellowish, pencils normal, except that [[^ 2]] front black pencils & 2 hind ones were only [[^ lightly]] tinged with dusky, instead of black.  The other two black as usual. [[[symbol for therefore]]  3 [[^ antiphola]] larvae now [[^ in No. 4]]. Mended the leaks in cage.]  Next morning this larva, that I had shifted on a piece of oak-leaf 1 1/2 inch square, had remained on it & eaten it pretty well up.  Took it away from him. The other two larvae had strayed off the sycamore.


Sep. 5 Put 3 3/4 grown Antiphola larvae off oak in cage No.4 (sycamore). Dirty white, crest along back a little brownish.  Heads all black.  Pencils black. Two in first-rate order & one lost some pencils & some hair. All lively.

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